To: ninenot; bornacatholic
B-16 has also gone through the quisling foreign policy types in the Curia like a hot knife through butter. Great quote from the 14th Century Byzantine emperor. Who says we can't be a bit ecumenical?????
Bornacatholic seems to be MIA. Any idea as to why private or public?
112 posted on
09/16/2006 12:20:19 AM PDT by
(Dean of Discipline of the Tomas de Torquemada Gentlemen's Club)
To: BlackElk
B-16 is truly a gift from God. Ad multos annos to him--he's already made noises about his mortality, but let's hope he's able to make a few more moves on the chessboard before retirement.
No ideas about Born...
116 posted on
09/16/2006 6:07:12 AM PDT by
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