Since all wine takes time, then the instantaneous appearance of fully documented wine means that the wine has an appearance of age.
One can assume that the earth in the time it was created had soil, trees, creatures, etc. Under normal circumstances, these would all take time to develop.
Therefore, the earth itself would have had ~some~ appearance of age.
Exactly. The earth was created in a mature state because life could not exist as we know it based upon the natural laws which God put into effect unless the earth was in a mature state when he created that life and placed it upon the earth.
The fact that he turned the simple chemical of water into a mature complex food product instantly attests to the fact that when God makes something he makes it complete and he makes it good. He created man in a mature state. He did not create a puddle of slime and sit back for a billion years while it produced all life as we know it. We are not made in the image and likeness of viruses and bacteria, we are "made" in the image of God.
Natural laws can only be traced back to the time when God rested. You cannot extrapolate that God used natural laws to get to that point. In fact, it is quite clear that he didn't.