>>God put me in your path to tell you this. You may accept it or reject it. My
>>understanding of the LDS religion, is it is one of works, pride, and placing yourself in
>>God's rightful position of authority. You may deride me as an anti-mormon...or you
>>may let Him into your life, to save you.
>>It is your decision.
Maybe, god put you in my path so I could witness to you. (Six of one half a dozen of the other).
Your understanding of the LDS religion is flawed, at best.
God is already in my life, isnt if kind of prideful for you to assume he is not and that you can introduce me?
I will not deride you (unless its just to fun a comment) for I believe you to be sincere in your efforts.
My Decision is made, my die is cast my, Faith is sufficient for the day.
Thanks for asking, howre you today?
It is the religion I learned at my father's knee, and he at his father's, and he at his father's and he at his father's and he at his father's. It is what I learned in my Baptism and confirmation, my Patriarchal Blessing, my Sunday School, Primary, Mutual, Family Home Evening, Seminary, Stake Conferences, General Conferences, Standard Works, Priesthood Blessings, Family Journals while doing Geneology, and in my Temple Ordinances. It is NOT what I learned in the Bible.
God is already in my life, isnt if kind of prideful for you to assume he is not and that you can introduce me?
I learned to "always be a missionary" from a very good source ; ) I guess old habits die hard.
Thanks for asking, howre you today?
Saved by God's grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone! thank you.