Even to "grant" that statement in argument is to imply that all children who are sodomized are sodomites.
Such deceitful muck is where they want to place the debate.
This thread must have really made them very agitated.
Re: Indulgences, it didn't stop with Tetzel.
"In 1988, John Paul II issued a document calling the faithful to obtain plenary indulgences (offered every 25 years) in the jubilee year of the Church in 2000, which caused the World Alliance of Reformed Churches to pull out of the jubilee celebrations in Rome..."
Indulgences never ended, they just changed a bit. What do you think the value of a "mass for the dead" is?
"At the end of the day, therefore, our divisions remain because outstanding and unsettled differences over matters at the very heart of the Gospel, and therefore, of that faith that we profess. Not only Roman Catholics, but Protestantsincluding evangelicals, will have reason to be encouraged by many of the new popes teachings. And even where we disagree, often the samesometimes worse, aberrations can be found in our own ambit. What we all need most is a new reformation that once again is struck by the wonder of a gospel that is by grace alone, through faith alone, because of Christ aloneto the glory of God alone. We pray earnestly for a widespread rediscovery of this heavenly message prophesied by the prophets, incarnated in Christ, and proclaimed by his apostles. Only in that prayer can we anticipate a fuller unity for the followers of Jesus Christ."
The part I underlined is the undeniable part, to my way of thinking. Calvin helped me discover God the Father. You have no idea how that helped me.