"God does NOT knock on everyone's heart "equally", although He knocks on everyone's heart "sufficiently""
Really? Is this an example of an instance where the Latin Church's insistence on the existence of "created grace" demonstrats a difference between Latin, or Scholastic, and Patristic theology?
"Thus, MAN is the operating agent and cause of evil."
The Evil One will be happy to hear this! Where does this come from?
You replied : Is this an example of an instance where the Latin Church's insistence on the existence of "created grace" demonstrats a difference between Latin, or Scholastic, and Patristic theology?
It could be. I am aware of our differences regarding WHAT sanctifying grace is. We believe it is something created AND the Spirit, while I believe you consider it the uncreated Spirit alone. No time to argue that. However, we do believe that God gives even innocent unbelievers (infideles negativi) sufficient grace to achieve eternal salvation. It is unlikely that this grace is equal to the grace given to those found within the visible Church - by the very presence and reality of the sacraments that are available.
The Evil One will be happy to hear this! Where does this come from?
Men sin. Because men have free will, they are the ones who will be punished for their free will choices. Satan certainly tempts men and bends us to do things we know are not God's will. I am not saying that Satan does not lead us into temptation. But WE are the one's ultimately responsible for failing the Lord - WE are the one's who will be judged upon our death. IF we were not the responsible agent for sin, then God would not judge us - we are merely puppets - as Luther said, we are beasts, then, and either the devil or God rides us around.
Brother in Christ