You believe in one of man's versions of the Scriptures. You form your beliefs based on what you read in the version and treat it as the truth.
"Isolated" verses that you cannot explain
Just about for every verse there is a verse that seems to counter it, HD. Our understanding of the faith is based on the totality of the oldest Scripture and Apostolic Tradition.
You ignore those verses that don't fit your agenda. But, more importantly, you form your beliefs on isolated verses.
all I get in answer to my verses are "Yes, but..." or "It's a mystery..." or "I don't believe it"
Well, God is a Mystery or else we would all understand Him the same way. We don't argue over gravity, HD. God, we don't know the same way: "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." {1 Cor 13:12)
Because we only know "in part" we do not claim to have all the answers (unlike some Protestants); we humbly accept our imperfect knowledge of God because it is not the knowledge of the Bible verses that is at the core of our faith, but love for God. If we love God, we fulfill the law. "For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (Gal 5:14)
But that's the "lovey-dovey" (your own words) part of Christianity that bothers you...which is why you don't go there.
No, I simply tend to believe one church father over another; no different than you. You believe Cassian. I believe Augustine
Wrong, HD. I believe in consensus patrum; I believe that it reflects, to the best of human ability to comprehend, our collective understanding of the Scripture and the Faith revealed to us by our Lord Jesus Christ.
The ONLY reason I can love God is because..."He first loved us."
Given, but that applies to all people, not just the "elect." It is also easier said that done. You must think yourself better than Apostle Peter who disowned Christ three times in dire situation. Lip service is everyone's specialty. I tell you that if God were to decide to drown the world for the second time, the churches would empty and no one would glorify Him.
Take the salvation out of the faith and watch churches become empty buildings!