Harley, I have given you two "De Fide" statements regarding predestination only a few days ago. They are to be believed as from God - with the same infallibility in which we believe that the Son of God rose from the dead. ALL De Fide statements are revelations from God. Thus, Catholics believe in predestination. God ACTIVELY predestines His elect. AS I said, the major difference between Catholicism and Calvinism is that we don't believe that God predestines ACTIVELY the reprobate, though He knows that some will become reprobate. There are other things that we disagree on, such as the anthropology of man after the fall.
But regarding predestination, I think you are going to have to accept that Catholics DO believe in it. Regarding St. Augustine, perhaps you should read some of his stuff on the Eucharist, the Saints, Mary, and the Catholic Church...
Why would you believe Augustine on the Eucharist, the Saints, Mary and the Catholic Church and NOT on Predestination? At least Protestants will freely admit we pick and choose what we believe from the Church fathers based upon scriptures. Catholics on the other hand say they follow tradition yet pick and choose those traditions.