As an ELCA Lutheran, I have known women pastors who are orthodox and act as spiritual mothers, without trying to be spiritual fathers. I have known other women pastors who are total feminazis, and back the "gay" agenda and never met a heresy they din't like.
But every woman "bishop" I have ever known or heard of has been a TOTAL DISASTER!!!!By the way, many Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Missouri Lutherans use the fact of the feminazi and gaysbian movement in churches that allow woman priests/pastors as an argument against women's ordination. However, the Roman Catholic church, which has neither women's ordinations nor married priests, has feminazi "theologians". But the Orthodox church, with married priests but no women's ordination, has NO feminazi "theologians" that I know of. Go figure.
Women priest and bishops always lead to the fall of the church body they represent. It amazes me that normally rational people can't see the correlation between the two these days.