How nice for them.
In nomine patri et filii et spiritu sanctu
Let me start by saying that I'm not Catholic. I have many friends who are and on rare occasions I am priviledged to attend mass with one of them. Last Easter was such an occasion. Totally in English. Even I felt disappointed and somehow unfulfilled by the experience.
I know God understands every language ever thought of by mankind but the lack of using Latin in a Catholic mass is like wearing your street clothes to church. It is acceptable but not very respectful. Church should be regarded as different, out of the ordinary (in a positive way). I think it is a good move.
Interesting choice, Phoenix.
To clarify: Mr. Malone called it "the mass of ages," not the "mass for all time." The difference is huge, as it shows that this was the mass that has the longest standing in the Catholic Church, not the only standing. Also, the origins of a thing do not necessarily reflect its tradition. I started out life by being breast fed, but I would consider myself, traditionally, an eater of solid foods.
Hey, no matter what you think of the variations of the Latin Rite (Novus Ordo in the vernacular or the 1962 Missalae Romanum in Latin) you have to confess that this was certainly a very Pastoral move on the part of Bishop Olmstead.
I wonder if we could trade Bishops with Phoenix, we can also throw in our Moderator of the Curia, the two luxery sedans they tool around in and a player to be named later.
El Chupacabra. Tee-heee. I just saw them do El Chupacabra on the X-Files.
Dang shame folks got to a-bickerin' on what could of been a real positive thread. Thanks for posting though!
No, no, no. These people don't get it. The 'smells and bells' (as a self-described internet deacon has denigrated this Mass) are only for those old folks who need to be brought into the Modern Age. The New Mass is all we need.
"The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has assured us bishops that the "traditional Latin Mass" is not to be considered as another rite that the faithful can choose at will. It has been allowed (with permission of the diocesan bishop) to facilitate the return of some to the Roman Catholic Church."
/sarcasm off/
I know Fr. Saenz. He is from Mexico, possesses a great intellect, and is a wonderful priest!
The Rev. R. Clements, pastor of St. Marys Catholic Parish in Chandler, holds occasional Tridentine Masses and recently conducted a funeral in the Old Rite. "He wore the black vestments and turned his back to the congregation," said parishioner Mary Douglas. "He is very traditional and very devout."
Yes he is.
Great article. Great Bishop. Phoenix is much blessed to have Olmstead.
That said-it seems like EVERY TIME I see an article that I would be interested in reading, I just have to skip most of the comments that follow. I am beginning to think FR has been invaded by paid agitators or something.
If someone were to post an article entitled Sunflowers are Yellow, I have no doubt the thread would be filled with diatribes against sunflowers and the color yellow. It wasn't always like this on FR where there seems to be such a hijackng of threads with innuendo, and provocative comments.
I know some would say it's only on the religion forum, but that's not true. I've seen it on every thread I've visited lately with the exception of the NBA Finals Thread.
And no, I'm not trying to hijack this thread. I just wondered if anyone else besides me finds the constant baiting, and nastiness by some posters tiresome and frustrating.
It's like the "Let's muck up" FR sleeper cells have been activated or something.