One entry found for novus ordo seclorum.
Main Entry: novus or·do se·clo·rum
Pronunciation: -'or-"dO-sA-'klOr-um
Usage: foreign term
Etymology: Latin
: a new cycle of the ages -- motto on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States
Though I am sure your local John Birch Society has told you that MW is run by the Illuminati.
You know, Bell ami, the word "seclorum" must be the only high profile word in the entire world that one can't find in any dictionary.
Those Masons are clever rascals is what I think. VERY clever!
I just came back from my daily endurance run. While zooming by all of the other joggers I couldn't help but notice the word "FCUK" printed on the front of one of the female runners' T-shirt. Any idea what it means? Or is it just another mischievous prank?
Come to think of it ... who CARES what the slogan "Novus Ordo Seclorum" means.
But the fact, that a Masonic symbol on one side of the bill and "In God we trust" on the other side clashes (just as a picture of Benedict XVI and a "Womans right to choose" would) remains.