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To: Quix

Quix, heartfelt condolences on your loss.

May God rest your mother's soul in peace. And may He help your stepdad today and through the coming days.

May God also rest your stepmom's soul in peace. And may He comfort and sustain your father in ways he can perceive and receive.

And may He pour healing into Debra, your cousin.

Prayers for you, Quix, as you travel. May He be with you closely and comfortingly. All mercies from Him to you, Quix.


107 posted on 05/27/2005 3:26:31 AM PDT by JockoManning (
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To: All; Quix
“CheckPoint” Memorial Day Edition
A message to the Faithful, Frustrated and Fallen:
 “Life without Intercessors”
Written by Esther Dummer
May 25, 2005
Hebrews 12:1
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us…
Hebrews 12 speaks of a remarkable group of people who stepped into the pages of heavenly history, with some of their names recorded, while others are nameless.  If it were not for them, and the multitude that have followed them down through the ages, the earth would be so different than what we know it today. I call this chapter the “Memorial Stone of the Bible,” for in it is inscribed the names and deeds of departed loved ones. Their eulogy reads, “They were faithful to the end with many of them “not loving their lives unto death.”  They gave it all for the cause of the Kingdom of God, following Jesus with faith through incredible trials and tests and even death.  
If this chapter were to record the names of everyone who is in that cloud, the chapter would need volumes to hold the heart of God towards all of them. Then if all the names of earth’s faithful, including yours, were recorded in one place, what book could hold just the names, much less the deeds that they did and intercession that they made, lives they touched and changes they made in their season to the spiritual atmosphere?
What would life be like for us today if they had not remained faithful?
Many of you will visit the graves of your loved ones – people who made an impact on your lives – people you loved.  You will visit mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, grandparents, other relatives and friends. Many of them are ones that prayed, worked and lived for the cause of Christ. They were faithful prayer warriors; faithful leaders; faithful children of God; faithful parents; faithful friends and today they are there. 
It has to be an ever-growing cloud of glory to the honor and name of Jesus Christ!
I will be visiting, along with my parents, the grave of my 17 year old sister who was killed by a drunk driver in August of 1969.  We will remember her life and how we loved her, but we know that she is not there. 
Inscribed on her tombstone are the words,
“To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.”
She was a preacher’s daughter.
She was a part of the family.
She was my sister.
She was taken from earth too early.
We will never forget her.
She was a wisp of a girl, but mighty in her spirit as she was preparing her heart for the mission fields. There was a fire in her heart to go.  Some of her last penned words were in regards to the youth of our city and how much they needed Jesus.
There are people today who are serving God because of her life and death. 
The rest of her life never happened here on earth.
But her intercession is still alive and working from God’s throne today. 
We would have loved to know who she would be today if she had lived. We would have loved to meet her husband and children and love them too.  We would have loved to see what impact she would have had on earth.
Life without yours and my beloved family members changes forever because of their death and absence.  We will not know the rest of the story of whom they would have been, what they would have done, where they would have gone and the impact they would have made – if they had lived.
The Lord suddenly brought the question to me,
“What difference does a single intercessor make in the earth and what would happen if all intercession was removed?”
It was a very disturbing thought as the Lord began to expand my thinking into all the avenues that intercession has an impact on.  So, take this journey with me…and thank God that intercession is still alive and well on planet earth in the hearts and spirits of countless witnesses still living.
 Imagine a sudden and full removal of all intercession from the entire earth.
Imagine the results if prayer was removed from the lips of every human being.
What would the world look like? What would happen to families? What would happen in governments and the nations of the world?  What would happen to your sons and daughters future?  What would happen to the churches and the people of God? 
What would happen?
·        Imagine families no longer held together by prayer, schools being turned over to a total “reprobate system as the mind of the enemy invades the minds of our students, unrestrained.”
·        Imagine the terrorist moving unhindered into nations of the world, massive death and losses hitting in devastating blow after blow, with no room to breathe.
·        Imagine the grossest of sins speeding in their advance on our youth and children as all of hell’s best drugs, schemes and rebellion was released in full impact on them.
·        Imagine the “spirit of abortion” moving unrestrained against the child in the womb and incest and abuse of all kinds ravaging the children of the earth beyond measure.
·        Imagine the wars that would break out in every nation and the loss of life as no one was protected in battle.
·        Imagine the crime that would rampage on the streets as fear gripped the hearts of people locked behind closed doors.
·        Imagine gangs wreaking havoc on cities and little towns, as the mutated soul of these warriors is perverted to the lowest level of rebellion and hatred.
·        Imagine the demonic forces of the enemy moving without any censorship, spewing their demonic and vile vomit on the earth.
·        Imagine the books, movies, internet, music, and entertainment industry without any competition for the hearts and souls of people.
·        Imagine every fire going out, every river dry, no waterfalls, no rain, no fish, no harvest, no prophetic word, no worship, no altars, and churches dying and closing their doors, no moving of the Spirit of God.
·        Imagine no more tears of repentance or sorrow for sin, but only tears of bitterness and unforgiveness as the soul of man withdrew from the cross.
Now imagine all of this all being unleashed at the same time like a black, hate-filled cloud of destruction bent on destroying the last breath of God in man by killing until no one is left –a rampage of evil such as the world has never known, not even in the Dark Ages.
There would be a sudden and full implosion of planet earth’s inhabitants as they caved in on themselves when the unleashed evil and terror was no longer held back by intercession.
Does intercession really count this much or am I painting a bleak picture that is passionately overplayed by my imagination and emotions? 
I do not believe so, for there will be a time in history to come in which the church will no longer be on earth praying.
The “prayer movements” will be gone.  The River of God will draw its banks back to the throne from which it cascaded to earth.  The moving of the Spirit of God will not be covering the face of the earth with the glory of God the way we have it today.  Churches will probably be filled, but with those who are running for safety that is no longer present on earth or in the church, to seek at altars void of the ones who cried the tears there.
I imagine there will be a strange sense of loneliness on earth as many realize that their praying mama or daddy or pastor or friends or sibling is gone. A kind of silence will be released.  Sometimes, “Silence is deafening!” They will hear “shrieks of silence,” echoing around the world.
And yes, the earth will experience God’s wrath for there will be no godly intercessors left to “stand in the gap and make up the hedge.”
What I am describing is only a drop in the bucket of evil that will come out of the antichrist’s rule and reign of terror and torment.
But, it is not that time yet! 
·        We do have people praying – just not enough. 
·        We do have those who have continued to press in, but some have fallen away.
·        We do have spiritual earthquakes in response to prayer, but many places are still silent with no one on the wall of mercy and grace.  There are churches without intercessions and the world already shows in them.
·        There are families without intercessors and the damage to the family line is so deep that recovery of the heritage God meant for them can only come through prayer.  
If prayer goes, every vital life giving force ceases as well because it is the only line of communication between God and man.
Intercession is Holy Spirit praying through God’s church for God’s heart’s cry – souls!  It is sounded as war at times and weeping at others – but the sounds of intercession, that which stands in the gap, must rise to God’s ears instead of the vulgarity of mankind who is cursing God daily.  God must hear us instead of the insulting idolatry that releases a sound from the four corners of the earth – instead of sounds of perversion and corruption of all kinds. 
Intercession holds back destruction, demons and ebbs humanities natural pull towards the lowest level of living.
We are not stopping it all, but there is a greater impact being made than we can even begin to realize.  It is the sounds of intercession that grips the heart of God.  
I felt the Holy Spirit taking this challenge deeper yet… 
Now, imagine the results if just “your prayers of intercession” ceases!
He pointed out to me that it is a “person by person call” and if any of us are not filling our prayer closets with intercession, then something is uncovered – something fails, something dies.  While there is a powerful move around the world today – many are missing in action. 
·        I believe that God is making a call across the nations to return to prayer. The battle has been long and hard and many have suffered some terrible blows for a lot of reasons, but God is still faithful to restore. 
·        I believe that there are those who have had the “want to” taken out of them by circumstances and the enemy, but God can replace your heart for the battle and restore what the enemy has taken from you. 
You are actually a lot more seasoned warrior now that you have learned the pitfalls of intercession and are more valuable than ever to the Lord.  You have learned powerful lessons that are needed on the field of intercession.
Mistakes should teach us but should not kill us.
Two questions from two opposite sides of the spectrum to ponder:
What if everyone was faithful?
What if everyone quit?
I would like to hold out for the first option and believe that God will revive His powerful move in your spirit that once burned there.  Whether you have become a casualty or if you are just tired and discouraged or are currently standing strong, I encourage you to move “Forwards ever - backwards never!”
“Thrive on the wall!”
At this Memorial Day weekend, I would like to share this dream with you.  May the Lord encourage your heart in that he knows where every one of you are.
In my dream the LORD was showing me a Memorial Wall, similar to the Viet Nam wall, though smaller and belonging to a church in which God had greatly moved in intercession. There were names inscribed – those who died in battle – people whom God has raised up to intercede for revival, the harvest, deliverance, their city, their church and such. 
I saw names on there I recognized.  These had been removed from active duty by “enemy fire” and some by “friendly fire.” The shrapnel of criticism, land mines of accusation, bullets of jealousy, and missiles of division – an arsenal of weapons, carnal and demonic in nature had been unleashed against them.
I saw a certain man in front of the wall, lounging around like one would do when visiting a memorial wall, taking a pencil and doing a rub of the names.  I recognized him as one who had been used of the enemy to do great harm to the cause of Christ, bringing personal harm to those being used of God in prayer and warfare.  Every time God began to move, he moved to counter.
I realized the grief of God in the matter that these were people that were in His army that were listed here.  He who “enlists the one who will stand in the gap and make up the hedge” was saddened and angry to see them assaulted by religious spirits in the church.
The results of this action were that those being used of God in intercession came under such criticism that they began to suffer greatly. No, they didn’t die physically, but the death of intercession on any level is a great loss to the Kingdom of God.
The message I got from this is that we need to reach back and pick up some “fallen warriors,” who are no longer “standing in the gap and making up the hedge.”
I felt in my dream that we needed a resurrection at this wall and at walls around the world and not eulogize them for what they once were! Though I felt sorrow I also felt to not cry at the wall nor grieve at their passing, but call out to the names on the wall to rise up to live again!
The stories I am hearing of intercessors leaving prayer behind and even walking away from friends, pastors and churches is alarming.  The battlefield is littered with the wounded and the wall is filled with names.
“If you have been wounded, please forgive and let Jesus heal your wounds.  Pull the arrows of offense and unforgiveness out and let all bitterness go so you can rise up and live again and serve God again.
Oh, you say, “I am still serving God – just not that way.”  Once called to this level of entrustment, you can never escape the call. The voice of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is a haunting sound in your ears until you “Run to the Roar!”
This wall is filled with names of people that need to hear, “Intercessors! Come Forth!”
Please return!
Someone is waiting for you.
A word for you:
“You are still a war horse.  The stable does not fit you.  You were meant to ride with the Wind of the Spirit and to go forth to battle.  I call you back, in the name of Jesus!”
God Bless the Faithful Watchman on the Walls of the Church!
For the Love of Souls,
Esther Dummer
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This newsletter is dedicated and written to encourage a powerful and focused group of people who have devoted their life to a life of prayer for the Church.  It is written to break new ground in understanding our own hearts.
NOTE: This material is distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed an interest in receiving this information for non-profit use only.
"CheckPoint", “PowerPoint,” and “PrayerPoint” are online newsletters published by: "Esther Dummer." Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute for non-commercial purposes. Consider duplicating, in its entirety, as published, and distributing to friends, relatives, pastors or your church congregation, or forward via email.  It is my delight to have those who desire to use these messages to further God’s move to do so. 

108 posted on 05/27/2005 3:39:38 AM PDT by JockoManning (
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To: JockoManning

YOU CERTAINLY ARE APPRECIATED and your prayers particularly. All the rest is such a powerful example of Christ's Love, discernment and direction.

Thanks beyond words.

136 posted on 05/27/2005 8:22:45 PM PDT by Quix (LOVE NEVER FAILS.)
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