The Church is administered to by people, that's the way He set it up. There is one Church ordained by God and it is that Church which by His influence on those chosen to lead is free of error in regards to the faith. That is the light because it is of God.
>The Church is administered to by people, that's the way He set it up. There is one Church ordained by God and it is that Church which by His influence on those chosen to lead is free of error in regards to the faith. That is the light because it is of God.,
Do you honestly believe the Lord of the Universe is as concerned with "The Church" as he is the relationship individuals have with him?I wonder sometimes if the energy spent by Roman Catholics defending the "one true church" would not be better spent telling their members and others about Jesus Christ and the hope he offers.When judgement day comes will you tell Jesus you belong in Heaven because you were a cradle catholic?