"Is this St. John of the Golden Mouth? (?)"
The very same...Chrysostomos means Golden Mouthed One. You really have to learn Greek! :)
"He makes perfect sense."
He almost always does. Frankly it irritates me that the ECUSA crowd takes some of his comments out of context to try to condemn those who have broken communion with them as heretics.
So I can add it to German, Latin and Gaelic as another language slowly fading? *\;-) (I'm actually encouraged from time to time to get back into Latin because it's in our BCP, if only for headings.)
Actually, if I were around Greek I probably would learn it. Let's see, let me make some guesses:
"chrys(o?)" is probably gold (not sure where I'm reaching for that...)
"(o?)stom(o?)" is definitely mouth (colostomy - "the practice of having/making a mouth for the colon"?)
"(o?)s" likely a suffix indicating singular, "one" or "the one"
(I did all this without googling or any other reference. How'm I doing?)