"We have Georgetown University in my neck of the woods...I would ask them the same thing. They are as liberal a college as the rest, what happened to them?"
It's called the "New Springtime" - the "Civilization of Love". I am just finishing up at Seattle University ("Jesuit") where there are TWO homosexual-type clubs - the Triangle Club and the Gay-Straight Alliance. They even have a ministry and RETREATS for queers now!!! Oh, and don't forget "National Coming Out Day" and "V-Day" (Va---- Monologues). And they wonder why there is a queer problem in the seminaries when they openly promote it in "Catholic" universities! My kids won't ever get near a "Catholic" school. What did our Lord say about "dens of iniquity"? What happened to the temple? I just hope His justice does not strike while I am on campus.
A glaring illustration that the world is filled, and religious institutions are filled with wolves in sheeps' clothing. Just because someone has the label "Catholic" or "Christian" or "believer" - or "Hindu" or "Jew" - doesn't necessarily mean they that person is sincere, a real follower of their religion, or even believes in God at all.
I just got this quote in the FederalistPatriot newsletter:
"When divine souls appear, men are compelled by their own self-respect to distinguish them." ---Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sometimes those sincere souls close to God may look the way we think they should look, and sometimes they may not. Clothes, labels, and titles do not a godly person make.