Tridentine Masses are the basis for any sort of true restoration of the faith. Because the mass is at the heart of the faith. Destroy the mass - and all else falls like dominos.......haven't we seen this already?
But, you pointed out something very important: nothing positive and lasting will happen without such a "rejection of evil", and of the Devil himself.
Until you get rid of the "unrepentant mortal sinners" who are at the helm, nothing of any lasting value will be accomplished.
." I believe that the American Church as we have known it cannot survive."
Yes - that was the opinion of the late Fr. Malachi Martin and others. That the "house of cards" would implode upon itself. The man-made insitutional structure of the Church is to corrupt to survive. As it has inessense rejected Christ - so to will he reject it!
But the Church which Christ founded - the teachings, sacraments, etc. will live a new suit of clothes.