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To: sinkspur

This is the sort of "logic" that infuriates me. The Papal tiara is no disgrace, some of the holiest men to ever walk the earth have worn such a crown, men who were a hell of a lot more humble than you seem to be. The pomp is meant to be *impressive*, to impress upon both the pontiff and those witnessing certain ideals, such as the awesome responsibility that is being accepted and the supreme obedience owed to the one being crowned.

I could easily turn your own argument against you. Can you honestly say you own nothing that is not essential? Why do you, if you are such a good Christian why not sell all you have and give it to the poor as Jesus commanded? You obviously have a computer and internet service, think how many poor people the money from that would help. Jesus never had such things. He slept on the ground, why don't you sell your bed and do the same? Why not be a servant instead of lording it over all those who don't have all the luxuries you enjoy?

Here I think we have hit on your real grudge. But it is no problem. If you think the clerics are lording it over others, why not became a cleric yourself, they certainly need the manpower.

Long Live the Pope!

323 posted on 12/14/2004 2:32:00 PM PST by Guelph4ever (“Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam et tibi dabo claves regni coelorum”)
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To: Guelph4ever
If you think the clerics are lording it over others, why not became a cleric yourself, they certainly need the manpower.

I'm a step ahead of you. I'm a permanent deacon. And I don't wear one item of gold, including a gold watch.

324 posted on 12/14/2004 2:56:24 PM PST by sinkspur ("It is a great day to be alive. I appreciate your gratitude." God Himself.)
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To: Guelph4ever

As you might surmise, I fully agreed with Paul VI's disposition of the tiara.

325 posted on 12/14/2004 2:57:38 PM PST by sinkspur ("It is a great day to be alive. I appreciate your gratitude." God Himself.)
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