Most Holy Family Monastery is the former name of what is now Mater Ecclesiae. It is in Berlin, NJ, a suburb of Philadelphia.
So-called "Brother" Dimond (really just a layman masquerading as an approved Monk), being unsuccessful in his attempts to steal the property from the Oblates of St. Jude, the rightful owners (as his brother put it to me in an email once, they only lost the NJ property in court because they didn't file one little piece of paper with the county - it just so happened that little piece of paper was the deed and title to the property!), was forced to flee to upstate New York with the $250,000 in printing equipment they had recently acquired and $250,000+ in cash donations from the attendees of the Monastery to what he now calls Most Holy Family Monastery, but which is really a large property swindled from a benefactor with various false promises and premises. Much of what Dimond left behind in the way of anything of value (sacred vestments, sacred vessels, more cash donations, and books) was then stolen from the Oblates of St. Jude by Fr. William Ashley, when he took off in a huff over the failure of Bishop DiMarzio of Camden to approve his plans for Opus Mariae Mediatrix.
Nothing has changed, but perhaps that clarifies the situation for you.