Anecdotal, but yes. The Review Board recognized that there are celibate homosexuals in the priesthood as well.
Those suffering from "irregularity" or "psychic disorders" have never been permitted to become priests. You're obviously thinking of some form of Catholicism which is quite different from the orthodox tradition. The waffling on this issue by the modernist AmChurch bishops in recent years is an expression of the moral relativism of modern American counter-culture and a goofy atmopshere of political correctness with which you seem to identify, Mr. Sinkspur.
While the literal letter of canon law may not specify that necrophiliacs or people who masturbate into the orifices of dogs or chickens are officially banned from holy orders, the principle is there. Anal sex has always been considered a grave disorder in the Catholic moral tradition. Do your homework in the future. A practicing sexual deviant cannot be a priest.