Do you have evidence of this? I have seen Mel's theology/church referred to as "rejecting the reforms of VII and denying the authority of the Pope", but this seems to always be third-party hearsay. One can attend Latin indult masses and be skeptical of the manner in which VII is implemented, while still recognizing VII's authority and Papal authority in general as I do and remain in perfect union with Rome. I consider myself an Orthodox Traditionalist Catholic - I don't know if this is where Mel stands or if he has thrown his hat in with the Lefebvre gang.
I'm not trying to be argumentative, but this is an important distinction and I have never seen it directly addressed by Mel.
The actor does not hide his disdain for the Catholic Church. In a January 2003 interview with Time, he condemns Vatican II, saying it corrupted the institution of the church. Look at the main fruits: dwindling numbers and pedophilia." The 40-year gap between the colloquium and the current scandal is conveniently not addressed
American Daily.
Gibson is not in union with Rome, though he will not come out and say so.
He's wrong. The practice is frowned upon, but hardly outlawed. See 36.
Last night EWTN rebroadcast an interview with Mel Gibson and he specifically said "Christ died for ALL" and that it wasn't the Jews that were responsible for the death of Christ it is ALL of us who are responsible. That didn't strike me very SSPX-like. Also he said he "was over-run with Jesuits" on the set - hired for language and historical purposes.