I will boldly say it "before it was cool" like I did on Feb 18th. I will yell it from the mountain tops. When Dole lost, GOP Senators/Reps running against hated Demos lost, I remember always looking at them as rather pathetic and embarrassing. Last night I when Tom gave his speech, I was applauding. Must be because I actually voted FOR that man and his platform. I only hope that my kids could not only know so much about civic matters and fight against all the powers that be for that, but to conduct themselves with such class, dignity, and statesmanship.
I will always be his supporter, may God continue to bless Tom McClintock.
They won't get away with it this time like the idiot "freepers" who gloated about Bloomberg's "victory" for the GOP and now deny they ever supported the guy.
NYC falling back into a cesspool is directly at the feet of the Bloomberg idiots who claimed he was a "fiscally responciple buisnessman", just like gun confiscations and higher taxes in CA will be directly at the feet of the Schwarzekennedy groupies.
I have all their moronic worship of Arnold and all their "predictions" bookmarked for future refence. We'll just check back in '04 and '06 to see if Bush MAGICALLY wins the state thanks to Arnold, or if Arnold cuts taxes and "deports all the illegals" like his brainwashed supporters CLAIMED on their list of conservative "stances" for Arnie. The bottom line, of course, will be if Kalifornistan is any better 2 years from now than it will be under Davis. Unless Arnold grows a brain, there's about a 90% chance that Kalifornistan's problems will be blamed on liberal Arnold's "Republican" rule.
First they said "anyone" would be better than Davis and then they revised it to "you HAVE to vote for Arnold or Bustamente will win!!!"
Then they said that recall would work because voters would NOT replace Davis with someone who supports the SAME policies, and then revised it to "recall will be successful as long as an 'R' wins"
Now they are saying recall is a "victory" for conservatives because having a Republican governor MAGICALLY makes the state go to Bush in 2004 and "Brings the buisnesses" back. We'll be back to "remind" of them of their original statements when they change their story AGAIN in 2006 and claim "I only voted for Arnold cuz I wanted McClintock for the Senate" or something stupid like that.
RINOs keep winning elections and guy like Estrada get screwed because a huge 'wing' of the GOP won't even support our values. Yet the RATs ALWAYS vote in lockstep! It's time to draw the line! Four years ago, the Slickmeister got off scot free and freepers almost UNANIMOUSLY agreed that ANY Republican who supported Bubba during impeachment would NEVER get our vote again!! Now the Arlen Specters and Arnold Schwarzeneggers are not only endorsed but WORSHIPPED by some "freepers!!" We have control over every branch of government and we still pass NOTHING because they won't STOP supporting RINOs!!