To: FairOpinion
Tony Snow is out of his mind IMO! That's why Fox News is on mute and I have KFI radio on!
KFI reporting the RAT Talking point papers are out -- people taking it out on Davis and they will also take it out on Bush. They also said that if McC had dropped out the Arnold numbers would be even more of a landslide!
269 posted on
10/07/2003 7:01:14 PM PDT by
(Vote for Arnold -- Republican by Choice!)
To: PhiKapMom
Davis just said on FOX he was going to.....Church! (Of Satan? Gonna sacrifice an unborn? Offering the child not yet born into sin hoping Satan will pull a few strings for him before 8:00?)
280 posted on
10/07/2003 7:04:22 PM PDT by
concerned about politics
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