To: Pubbie
Did you notice how McClintock didn't go after Schwarzenegger at all in the debates. Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican (even if you think he is a RINO)
It makes sense.
And this way the Republicans always had a back up plan. If Arnold was forced out a lot of his voters would have gone to Tom if Tom was not on record as having attacked "their guy" and vise versa.
221 posted on
10/07/2003 6:43:17 PM PDT by
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Which kind of cake should I serve? Angel's Food or Devil's Food?)
To: Harmless Teddy Bear
Yes but Tom didn't lay a glove on Arnold in the debate. His main strategy seemed to be just to nail down his own base and not try to attract Arnold voters at all.
That is NOT the strategy of someone who wants to win JMO.
255 posted on
10/07/2003 6:56:02 PM PDT by
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