I asked him weeks ago to please let us know when he arrived and told him he was added to the FR prayer thread and we would pray for him.
He let us know.
Thank you so much for this thread.
Dear Heavenly Father, please watch over Scott during his stay in Iraq. Guide him in his security work that he may save innocent lives. Comfort and heal him when memories of old battles surface. Fill him with the Holy Spirit - strength and purpose. Be with him in moments of loneliness. Please reveal to Scott our enemies, any hidden bombs - IEDs, land mines - RPGs, missiles and any other hidden weapons our enemies intend to use against Scott and his fellow civilian and Coalition troops, Iraqi allies working to rebuild Iraq. Please, Lord, let the hurting Iraqi people and the Coalition troops see Your work and light in this Veteran who chose to leave his beloved son and wife to work in Iraq so that the lives of less experienced troops may be saved. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus's name I pray, Amen.