I hope that the enemies of our nation right here at home, teddy kennedy, harkins, wes clark, dean, daschle, pelosi, both psycho klintons, begala, magaziner, carville, rendell, davis, gephardt, sharpton, lewis, nadler, conoson, kouric, rather, jennings, brokaw, mcauliffe, byrd, and on and on STOP aiding and abetting the terrorists in the middle east soon.
Their drive to shred the moral of our troops and this nation for selfish political gain is astounding.
They lack moral vision and do NOT support for the freedoms we so love and cherish.
These people truly hate America. And they are attempting to dismantle the success of the Iraqi War-even if it means the 25 million or so people in Iraq fall back into a horror of an existence so replusive-there are just not words to describe it.
Not to mention the fact that their drive to break the American will to defeat terrorism where it needs to be confronted leaves ALL OF US in danger.
These people, are, imho, traitors.
Only traitors will welcome that.
RE: Your list of same.