To: Marysecretary
What a great post and what a marvelous Christain perspective. I, too, think our Father won't stand by forever and allow this confusion, this subterfuge (sp-? lol) to continue. I ask our Father to open all of our eyes and ears to the truth, to help us as a people to cut through the propaganda and distortions, especially when delivered from those in power who purposefully distort.
I truly believe He is lending His grace in this direction-there is a moving backlash against the lies laid upon this nation by those agenda laden creeps wanting to bend fact into their vision of what America should be.
To: Republic
God truly loves us. His grace has been upon this nation and will continue to be, but if we don't turn our hearts back to Him, judgement will come and it won't be pretty. I think we're in for some rough times but because I've put my faith and trust in Him, He'll see me through it, as He will anyone who loves and trusts Him. His glory is going to shine upon our land. I just know it will. He's not done with us yet. Love, Mxxx
187 posted on
09/23/2003 7:51:22 AM PDT by
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