The question is who is liable for the tax -- not this tax imposed nonsense. Also, the term income is not defined as one can't use the word to define a word as every eighth grader knows. The appeals case U.S. vs Ballard notes that the general term income is not defined in the Internal Revenue Code.
The reason the IRS will not answer Mrs. Kuglin's questions is that there is no law requiring the filing of income tax returns or the paying of those taxes.
Since the non response of the IRS proves Mrs. Kuglin correct, will you and the other Collectivist kindly stop mis informing people on this issue?
And section 861b determines how to determine taxable income within the US because some items of gross income in section 61 are not taxable by the US government because of the US Constitution.Did the IRS tell you that?I don't think so because they are decievers!Go to for a real honest EXPOSE of the US income tax system "fraud".Watch a flash presentation of what lawyers,former IRS agents,a federal prosecutor,cpa's and many more have to say.Another 19 year vet just left the IRS because he knows they are a fraud and many IRS are getting ready to QUIT over the evidence.The IRS has Grossly changed the meaning of taxable income and there is no definition of income in the IRS manuals nor title 26 folks.Even the supreme ordered Congree Not to define income.If Congress can't define income,they have no right to your money because it's UNCONSTITUTIONAL and it's really a head tax.