I agree that the court [iow, Greer] is responsible for mishandling Terri's funds.
These united States of America have abandoned any facade previously employed to link with the will of the sacred writings penned by our founding fathers into the bedrock law governing our nation.
It is clear for all to witness that America has been captured by those who consider its' Citizens mere pawns to live and serve according to the will and need of 'the system'.
Recalling the words of Governor Jeb Bush to kimmie7, as contained in her post 2909, "....In Florida, these matters are entrusted to the system that our elected officials established to protect incapacitated adults. We must respect that system...."
The instigator of this horror, Michael Schiavo, is but a minor figure at this time. Otherwise the great State of Florida would have dealt with him quite differently from the start. He is simply serving the will of the 'system'.