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"Hillary... Clinton needs to be kept very far away from the White House for the rest of her life." ^
| 6.9.03
| David Frum, J. Bradford DeLong
Posted on 06/10/2003 10:35:22 AM PDT by Mia T
"Hillary Rodham Clinton needs to be kept very far away from the White House for the rest of her life."
JUN. 9, 2003: LOST & FOUND
H-Hour, Day 2
J. Bradford DeLong is a professor of economics at Berkeley, a veteran of the Clinton administration, and the author of an extremely interesting blog about economics, history, and politics (recommended only if you are prepared to push past some pretty insulting comments about President Bush, his administration, and Republicans in general). DeLong worked with Hillary Clinton on the health-care taskforce of 1993-94. Here are his thoughts about Hillary Clinton's presidential ambitions:
"My two cents' worth--and I think it is the two cents' worth of everybody who worked for the Clinton Administration health care reform effort of 1993-1994--is that Hillary Rodham Clinton needs to be kept very far away from the White House for the rest of her life. Heading up health-care reform was the only major administrative job she has ever tried to do. And she was a complete flop at it. She had neither the grasp of policy substance, the managerial skills, nor the political smarts to do the job she was then given. And she wasn't smart enough to realize that she was in over her head and had to get out of the Health Care Czar role quickly.
"So when senior members of the economic team said that key senators like Daniel Patrick Moynihan would have this-and-that objection, she told them they were disloyal. When junior members of the economic team told her that the Congressional Budget Office would say such-and-such, she told them (wrongly) that her conversations with CBO head Robert Reischauer had already fixed that. When long-time senior hill staffers told her that she was making a dreadful mistake by fighting with rather than reaching out to John Breaux and Jim Cooper, she told them that they did not understand the wave of popular political support the bill would generate. And when substantive objections were raised to the plan by analysts calculating the moral hazard and adverse selection pressures it would put on the nation's health-care system... [ellipses in original]
"Hillary Rodham Clinton has already flopped as a senior administrative official in the executive branch--the equivalent of an Undersecretary. Perhaps she will make a good senator. But there is no reason to think that she would be anything but an abysmal president"
- "She's smart"...he's "brilliant...."
- --Susan Estrich, Get the Clintons Off the Stage
Pul--eeese. Susan Estrich is smart enough to know better... Less patronization than self-preservation, I suspect. |
"I have no infrastructure to deal with this."
bill clinton
One of the unintended consequences of America's rejection of mandated political correctness is that legends crumble.
The classic case is that of Bill Clinton. The conventional wisdom has been (even from his critics) that notwithstanding policy and philosophy disagreements Bill Clinton was/is a smart, charming, even brilliant man.
The reality that is becoming increasingly clear to those willing to see is that "The President Clinton Package" and his team of advisers, managers, and spin doctors, were smart, charming and at times brilliant. However, left to his own devices and without the support, advice, counsel and coercive powers of office, Bill is (for the second time in two months) emphatically demonstrating he ain't all that smart.
Bill's big yap: Geoff Metcalf slams Clinton's foot-in-mouth sophistry
hillary's head revisited: hillary clinton's brain (such as it is) II
by Mia T
The smartest woman in the world would relish "the raucous give and take of American democracy, " as Charles Kuralt once put it.
hillary clinton, by contrast, subsists on cozy clintonoid interviews of the Colmes kind...
In her new book, Political Fictions, Joan Didion indicts the fakery of access journalism practiced by vacant politicos like the clintons, whom she sees as "purveyors of fables of their own making, or worse, fables conceived by political strategists with designs on votes, not news."
(More Didion: "No one who ever passed through an American public high school could have watched William Jefferson Clinton running for office in 1992 and failed to recognize the familiar predatory sexuality of the provincial adolescent.")
Analyzed and Annotated
by Mia T
January 22, 2002
Using internal polling, the clinton 'infrastructure' determined that its cozy-clintonoid-interviews-of-the-Colmes/King-kind-scheme is no longer working. The scheme, which successfully shepherded and shielded the vacuous, inept, corrupt clintons for nine years, is now, post-9/11, yielding diminishing returns--and worse--increasing ridicule.
Hence, we had the clinton 'infrastructure' interviewer recalculation last week that specified more interviewer gravitas...and less lapdog...but not more doggedness...that is to say...that specified Jeff Greenfield.
A miscalculation, as it turned out. Greenfield made up in contempt what he lacked in inexorability. Although he conducted the entire interview circumambulating on eggshells, Greenfield did eventually ask the hard-boiled questions...
ASIDE: The tough questioning was followed by Greenfield's sudden, post-interview departure from CNN, a development which will only further reinforce cozy-clintonoid-interviews-of-the-Colmes/King-kind 4th-estate malfeasance.
Greenfield's circuitous path to clinton depravity and failure necessitates a nonlinear analysis of the data; we will use a (nonlinear) least squares curve fitter. Proportional hazards political survival regression analysis will generate a political survival curve for hillary clinton, which will show her viability (so to speak) over time.
Political survival time is defined as the length of the interval between the initial political trial balloon and political moribundity. Political moribundity is defined as two consecutive political failures--(one in the case of 9/11), or three not-necessarily-consecutive boo-filled public appearances, or one instance of a serious proposal generating laughter.
ASIDE: Since by any of these standards, hillary clinton is already flatlined, the more interesting question for this analysis would be: "What the hell is this moribund loser doing in the political arena, anyway?"
Survival is influenced by one or more factors, called "predictors" or "covariates", which may be categorical (such as the quality of 'infrastructure') or continuous (such as intellect or eloquence or character).
- clinton rigor mortis rendered any discussion of clinton moribundity moot.
- Nonetheless, one of the more significant continuous predictors of political moribundity is clinton's tic-like insertion of "you know," a marker for ineloquence, vulgarity, ignorance, rube-meets-valley-girl demographics, low self-esteem, anxiety and insincerity.
- clinton uttered "you know" 52 times. Greenfield eventually caught the bug and uttered six "you knows," himself--a cautionary tale for wannabe clintonoid lapdogs.
- Frequency of clinton "you knows" varied directly with intensity of Greenfield contempt and inversely with magnitude of Greenfield softballs.
- clinton response is consistent with Rubin complicity in a clinton coup. See "The Daschle Scheme".
GREENFIELD: Tonight, a conversation with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on the nation and the world after September 11, on GREENFIELD AT LARGE.
THE COMPLETE ANNOTATED INTERVIEW (NB: a very long, you know, download because of the, you know, clinton criminal, you know, redundancy.)
missus clinton's REAL virtual office update
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Arkansas; US: Illinois; US: New York; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: clintonbanality; clintonfailure; clintonfecklessness; clintonstupidity; clintonvacuousness; theterrorismstupid
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posted on
06/10/2003 10:35:22 AM PDT
Mia T
To: Mia T
I always enjoy visiting one of your threads.
It's like going to an amusement park.
posted on
06/10/2003 10:41:26 AM PDT
To: Gail Wynand; looscannon; Lonesome in Massachussets; Freedom'sWorthIt; IVote2; Slyfox; Registered; ..
He rips into jokes about President Bush's intellect as "another liberal snig that annoys me a lot these days," adding, "The fact has to be faced: the intellectual candlepower of this administration is a great deal brighter than the Clinton administration . . . [and] the level of professionalism is very much higher."
hitchens on the clintons
"My two cents' worth--and I think it is the two cents' worth of everybody who worked for the Clinton Administration health care reform effort of 1993-1994--is that Hillary Rodham Clinton needs to be kept very far away from the White House for the rest of her life. Heading up health-care reform was the only major administrative job she has ever tried to do. And she was a complete flop at it. She had neither the grasp of policy substance, the managerial skills, nor the political smarts to do the job she was then given. And she wasn't smart enough to realize that she was in over her head and had to get out of the Health Care Czar role quickly.... there is no reason to think that she would be anything but an abysmal president" J. Bradford DeLong professor of economics at Berkeley veteran of the Clinton administration
- Mindless rhinestone-studded-and-tented kleptocracy
- by Mia T
- John Podhoretz recently asked, "Whence comes hillary clinton's reputation for brilliance?" For the answer, he intuitively, rather brilliantly in fact, looked to her anatomy and noted,"This isn't the first time she's shot herself in the foot."
- The above anatomical analysis supports the Podhoretz thesis. Notwithstanding The Pod's erroneous conclusions concerning
hillary clinton's heart and nerve, he basically has it right. Anatomy is destiny... -
- Ian Hunter recently observed that our leaders are shrinking. "From a Churchill (or, for that matter, a Margaret Thatcher) to a Tony Blair; from Eisenhower to Clinton; from Diefenbaker to Joe Clark; from Trudeau to Chretien -- we seem destined to be governed by pygmies."
- The pols understand their anatomical limitations well; they attempt to mitigate them with veneer. And so we suffer mindless alpha-beta-beelzebubba grotesquerie. . .
- and rhinestone-studded-and-tented kleptocracy.
- With all the media genuflecting before the press-conference podium of bill clinton, it bears remarking yet again that the clinton intellect (an oxymoron even more jarring than AlGoreRhythm and meant to encompass the cognitive ability of both clintons) is remarkable only for its utter ordinariness, its lack of creative spark, its lack of analytic precision, its lack of depth.
- The clintons' fundamental error: They are too arrogant and dim-witted to understand that the demagogic process in this fiberoptic age isn't about counting spun heads; it's about not discounting circumambient brains.
- Politicos and reporters are not rocket scientists . . .
- Professions tend to be self-selected, intellectually homogeneous subgroups of Homo sapiens. Great intellects (especially these days) do not generally gravitate towards careers in the media or politics. Mediocre, power-obsessed types with poor self-images do.
- Thus, clinton mediocrity goes undetected primarily because of media mediocrity. ("Mediocrity" and "media" don't come from the same Latin root (medius) for no reason.) Insofar as the clintons are concerned, the media confuse form with substance, smoothness with coherence, data-spewing with ratiocination, pre-programmed recitation with real-time analysis, an idiosyncratic degeneracy with creativity.
- Jimmy Breslin agrees. In Hillary Is the 'Me-First' Lady, Breslin laments:
- "At the end of all these years and years that are being celebrated this week, the national press of America consists of people with dried minds and weak backbones and the pack of them can't utter a new phrase for the language or show the least bit of anger at a business or profession or trade or whatever this business is that is dying of mediocrity."
- Listen carefully to the clintons. You will hear a shallow parody of the class president. Not only do they say nothing; they say nothing with superfluous ineloquence. Their speeches are sophomoric, shopworn, shallow, specious. Platitudinous pandering piled atop p.c. cliché
- In seven years, they have, collectively, uttered not one memorable word save, "It was a vast right-wing conspiracy," "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky,"and, "It all depends on what the meaning of 'is' is."
- Even the clintons' attempts at alliteration fall flat. Compare Agnew's (Safire's) "nattering nabobs of negativism" with clinton's "preachers of pessimism," an impotent, one-dimensional, plagiaristic echo (its apt self-descriptiveness notwithstanding).
- Before they destroy their backs along with their reputations, media gentry genuflecting at the altar of the clinton brain should consider Edith Efron's, Can the President Think?
- A wasted brain is a terrible thing.
- Why bill "it was the TERRORISM, stupid" clinton would have been an utter failure even if he weren't a corrupt, cowardly, vacuous, self-serving, balkanizing, opportunistic RapistThug
And why the little missus deserves no less than half the credit -
posted on
06/10/2003 10:48:45 AM PDT
Mia T
(SCUM (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations))
To: sinkspur
Somewhere there should be an online copy of the nightmarish chart that's a visual summary of how Hillary!Care would work. I know this chart exists because a friend of mine actually has a hard copy of it (from 1993) framed and hanging on his wall (LOL--Exhibit A of Clinton Stupidity).
Would any brilliant Freeper here know how to find and post a copy of this chart? It's absolutely unbelievable in terms of ridiculous complexity, bureaucracy, bullsh*t. Resurrecting this idiocy and broadcasting it over the internet would be a great thing to do right now!!!
posted on
06/10/2003 10:50:53 AM PDT
("Clinton is a rapist, Hillary is his pimp")
To: Mia T
posted on
06/10/2003 10:52:34 AM PDT
(Hillary's book sales are peaking quick. Let's stop that.)
To: Mia T
"So when senior members of the economic team said that key senators like Daniel Patrick Moynihan would have this-and-that objection, she told them they were disloyal. When junior members of the economic team told her that the Congressional Budget Office would say such-and-such, she told them (wrongly) that her conversations with CBO head Robert Reischauer had already fixed that. ["wrongly" = LIE]
When long-time senior hill staffers told her that she was making a dreadful mistake by fighting with rather than reaching out to John Breaux and Jim Cooper, she told them that they did not understand the wave of popular political support the bill would generate.
And when substantive objections were raised to the plan by analysts calculating the moral hazard and adverse selection pressures it would put on the nation's health-care system... [ellipses in original]
posted on
06/10/2003 10:56:43 AM PDT
(The government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend upon the support of Paul.)
To: Mia T
Bill Clinton is getting $12 million for his memoirs; Hillary is getting $8 million dollars for hers, for a total of $20 million. Not bad for a couple that for eight years swore under oath they couldn't remember anything.
Good afternoon Mia
posted on
06/10/2003 11:02:46 AM PDT
(thanks for the ping)
To: bmwcyle; All
06.10.03 UPDATE:



Hear the Bill Bennett epilogue

Dear new sucker--er--New Yorker, This virtual office was established because you are absolutely forbidden to set your peasant foot in my real one. This is how I got here, and this is how I did it.. This helped, too. And this. And this. You had better take a moment to genuflect before the newly erected clinton altar. Additionally, I am pleased to present my new clinton crime family video greeting and video farewell. You would be wise to study them carefully. And don't bother E-mailing me. I couldn't care less what the little people think. |
A missive from the smartest woman in the world. Study it.Sincerely, 
Latest clinton News clinton Administration VETERAN / BERKELEY PROFESSOR: "Hillary Rodham Clinton needs to be kept very far away from the White House for the rest of her life."
Liking Viking: subliminal confession by simile
What did hillary clinton know and when did she know it? And was she part of it? Neither HARLEQUIN PROSE nor RESPIRATORY ARREST nor clinton CANINES will resuscitate the moribund, zipper-hoisted coconspirator
Why bill "it was the TERRORISM, stupid" clinton would have been an utter failure even if he weren't a corrupt, cowardly, vacuous, self-serving, balkanizing, opportunistic RapistThug And why the little missus deserves no less than half the credit
Poison Pen Proves Autotoxic: CLINTON-WAS-AN-UTTER-FAILURE Containment Team Scheme Fails Yet Again
The Clinton Wars: Stockholm Syndrome Revs Spinning Sid
Reciprocal Intern-Exploitation-Purgation Attempt at JFK Library "I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine...." Are Susan Estrich, Al From and The Times on the same "Get the clintons off the stage!" page?... (Desperately seeking Susan.... Who spiked her, anyway?) bushwhacked by tailhook: the real reason Personal Agitprop-and-Money-Laundering Machine, Cozy-clintonoid-Interviews-of-the-Colmes-Kind-Scheme Bury REAL "Living History" The Times Reaps What It Sowed 2 WRITTEN IN STONE 2: the clintons define the clintons Norwegian Braves clinton's Implicit Threat ("If you give my Nobel to Bush, you'll go to hell.") The REAL "Living History" -- clintoplasmodial slime
COMING APART: What clinton was REALLY saying... and why... when he bashed Bush in Canada THE "DEBATE" Democratic Party's Problem Transcends Its Anti-War Contingent the logic of pathologic self-interest The only thing that can stop American power now Yet More RapeLies: CNNs of Commission, Rapist Demagogues and 9/11 The no-show manuscript hillary clinton Infrastructure Answers Simon & Schuster: THE TRANSLATION 3 Strikes and You're Out: The New York Times is "Wrong" Again YOO-HOO O'REILLY: Regarding the spoils of war, you are wrong hillary clinton is a loser BIGTIME American Gothics Hyperlinked
DECAPITATION Moynihan Myths Another mistaken 'conceptzia' WHY AMERICA (& THE WORLD) CANNOT SURVIVE ANOTHER CLINTON (INDEED, IT IS NOT CLEAR THAT WE ARE GOING TO SURVIVE THE FIRST ONE,) clinton POLICY: MAKE CERTAIN America was not "the biggest power on the block." Either they are obsolete
or civilization is The 30 Seconds that Seemed Like 60 Minutes: Utter-Failure clintons Concoct Left-Wing-Radio Scheme FIG LEAF(Liberals have always had problems figuring out causation) "ONE OF THOSE GROUPS OBSESSED WITH THE CLINTONS" 10-Yr Anniversary of WTC Bombing Marks clintons' Utter Failure hillary clinton A SECURITY RISK: Removal Calls Begin The wife's self-serving war oscillations are really nothing more than a reprise of the self-serving oscillating ersatz presidency of the husband (Why we cannot afford another clinton. . .) HILLARY CLINTON KNEW PRECISELY WHO SAMI AL-ARIAN WAS hillary clinton Covertly Hedges Her Bets on the War While Overtly Betting Everything on the Virtual Certainty--Another Terrorist Attack THE INTERMINABLE clintons It's time to take out the trash... A Senate en passant capture is THE MOVE...
The Curious Candidacy of Carol Moseley-Braun running clintons... On clinton's missus' war oscillations... How to get rid of the clintons in 3 easy steps THE UNSTATED MESSAGE OF THE POWELL EVIDENCE THE CLINTONS--AMERICA'S BIGGEST BLUNDER: Hear Bush 41 Warn Us--October 19, 1992 CLINTON RAPE OF BROADDRICK: PRUDHOMME CONFRONTS GORE -- THE VIDEO hitchens on the clintons annotated 69% of Voters Nationwide Don't Want hillary clinton to Run for President, EVER A '68 Mustang is not exculpatory clinton LIEbrary FLYover & other clinton FLIES BUSH: "I will not wait on events, while dangers gather."
Q ERTY6 utter failure What did he know. . . and when did he know it ? SpyLies and Audiotape PARDONGATE, THE MOVIE--BILL BENNETT EPILOGUE LEFT-WING TALK RADIO UNVEILED! HALF A HOUSE, HALF A BRAIN: Why we were compelled to hit on Simon & Schuster,our personal agitprop & money-laundering machine) WRITTEN IN STONE: AN ARCHITECT DEFINES THE CLINTONS DESIGNATED DEMOCRAT ATTACK DOG MAKES ITS DEBUT Hardball's Softball hillary clinton 'Interview' Q ERTY8 clinton/Democrat Debacle of '02 Buddy Death Report Raises More Questions Than It Answers hillary clinton and FUNERALS But they are space aliens THE OTHER NIXON A CLOCKWORK ORANGE The Real Danger of a Fake President: Post-9/11 Reconsideration of The Placebo President |
posted on
06/10/2003 11:04:45 AM PDT
Mia T
(SCUM (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations))
To: Mia T
posted on
06/10/2003 11:06:04 AM PDT
To: Mia T
" Clinton needs to be kept very far away from the White House"
So far that the length of human life, and
the strength of human endurance won't get her back!
To: Mia T
Thanks Mia!
posted on
06/10/2003 11:30:05 AM PDT
To: Rummyfan
posted on
06/10/2003 12:22:29 PM PDT
To: Mia T
MiaT - the writer you quote at the beginning misses the point entirely.
Hillary Clinton never did and does not intend to be President. Neither did Bill.
They intended to be, and were, and will be again unless God intervenes:
To: Mia T
I somehow sense that you don't care much for the Clintons.
The post is overwhelming. How much time did it take?
With all the chatter about Bush's "rigid" concept of good vs. evil, I've noted that the Clintonistas have a much more rigid and simplistic view of the universe:
Democrats:GOOD, unless they disagree with the Clintons in which case they are: BAD.
posted on
06/10/2003 4:46:27 PM PDT
(We're through being cool (you can say that again, Dad))
To: Mia T
>>...Perhaps she will make a good senator....
By promoting a book? What else has she done?
posted on
06/11/2003 1:52:42 AM PDT
The Raven
(President Hillary? Do you know your State's Secession Plans?)
To: The Raven
posted on
06/12/2003 5:13:26 AM PDT
Mia T
(SCUM (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations))
To: Mia T
The thought of her heinous back in our WH scares the hell out of me-on many levels. But as Professor DeLong above has said-her exposure during the health care debacle demonstrates the scariest trait she has...she does not listen, she DICTATES.
I remember a great deal about the health care plan tragedy---but I have NEVER read an account of how others, working with her, felt about her abilities, or LACK of abilities, as it were.
It is laughable that she accused Senator Moynihan of disloyalty when he pointed out problems with her horrendous plan to ruin the practice medicine in our nation. Scary, too.
I have often wondered how Patrick Moynihan has felt about relinquishing his senate seat to that horror of a human being.
Have even wondered if the klintons, thru their various devious and insidious actions, didn't 'encourage' ol patrick to resign. Probably not-but how convenient it was for her to choose NY-having never LIVED there-from which to launch her obsessive drive to the presidency.
Now I know she had reason to resent Moynihan...heck...just knowing this woman's past actions has turned me into a bona fide conspiracy buff.
Guess, fully honestly, I believe the klintons are capable of anything. Anything.
Great thread-interesting observations about hillary-lack of professionalism, lack of ability to accept constructive critcism, arrogance, dictatorial style, glaring inability to manage, etc.
The the Berkeley professor, who worked with her on the health care debacle ( and states she should be kept far from the WH , would be brought onto the major networks and interviewed. This is get down info.
posted on
06/12/2003 11:12:42 PM PDT
To: Republic
- Biography lends to death a new terror.--Oscar Wilde
- Hypocrisy abounds in this Age of Clinton, a Postmodern Oz rife with constitutional deconstruction and semantic subversion, a virtual surreality polymarked by presidential alleles peccantly misplaced or, in the case of Jefferson posthumously misappropriated...
Yesterday, Daniel Patrick Moynihan died. Today, the clintons are arrogating his soul. Hardly surprising. In 1999, the clintons were not at all shy about seizing his still-warm senate seat. One has merely to recall the Thomas Jefferson double-helix hoax to understand that posthumous misappropriation is, for the obvious reason, the clintons' preferred method of legacy inflation
. Standard-Issue clintonism If misappropriation of Jefferson's alleles hinged on a broken line of descent, misappropriation of Moynihan's endorsement depends on a broken line of dissent. Like Sally Hemmings' progeny, Moynihan's later acquiescence is of dubious lineage
Mia T, Moynihan Myths
Mia T, 5.18.03 Reciprocal Intern-Exploitation-Purgation Attempt at JFK Library "I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine...."
posted on
06/13/2003 12:10:16 AM PDT
Mia T
(SCUM (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations))
To: Mia T
You are incredible! Absolutely incredible!!
One has to hold onto the hope that this particular 'wicked web of lies' ends with the deceit exposed. Their smug arrogance over their ability to manipulate our rule of law ( due largely to the press being willing partners in deceit ) needs to be eradicated and replaced with stunned disbelief that their days of twisting the truth and wounding others is finished. Forever. They should be viewing the world with bars separating them from the vista. That would be such a just finale.
posted on
06/14/2003 7:35:22 PM PDT
To: Mia T
BTW-Mia....on one of the Fox News Cable Shows this afternoon-a panel show and I cannot remember the name of it-one of the panelists actually quoted the heart of Professor DeLong's warning that hitlery needs to be kept far away from our WH. A good start. Hope it picks up elsewhere.
posted on
06/14/2003 7:39:53 PM PDT
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