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IRAQ: Weapons of Mass Disappearance - (Where are the WMD? Manipulation to go to War? )
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| Sunday, Jun. 01, 2003
Posted on 06/01/2003 9:01:13 AM PDT by Ernest_at_the_Beach
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Comment #241 Removed by Moderator
Comment #242 Removed by Moderator
To: Mike4Freedom
I think that we might consider another theory. He was playing a game with his neighbors. He wanted them to worry that he did have WMDs so they would not attack him. Any comments on this theory?He was more afraid of them than he was of the Coalition of the Willing? Riiiight.
posted on
06/02/2003 11:27:27 AM PDT
("Never have so many been so wrong about so much." - Rummy)
To: Peach; Austin Willard Wright; BOBTHENAILER
posted on
06/02/2003 11:32:21 AM PDT
(Where is Saddam? and his Weapons of Mass Destruction?)
To: wotan
He may even still have them somewhere, but if the US armed forces with control of the entire country and with leading Iraqi weapon scientists in custody cannot find them, I feel pretty confident a bunch of inspectors led by Hans Blix wouldn't find them either. Do you always jump to conclusions?
You've jumped to the conclusion that "the Us armed forces ... cannot find them." They haven't been reported in a few weeks' time after months of people like you griping that we must give inspections more time, ad nauseum, and already you've jumped to the conclusion that the US cannot find them.
posted on
06/02/2003 11:35:15 AM PDT
("Never have so many been so wrong about so much." - Rummy)
To: Peach
I think we basically agree.
To: Peach
Either way, it's a better world without Saddam's rape rooms and torture rooms; the left has never met a dictator they didn't support and seemingly admire. The left and apparently, unfortunately, the extreme fringe on the right.
posted on
06/02/2003 12:04:55 PM PDT
("Never have so many been so wrong about so much." - Rummy)
To: Mike4Freedom
Then I suppose you accept responsibility for the 5000 to 7000 Iraqi civilian deaths as well. Good grief, Saddam would have murdered more than that from 4/9 to today, and that many more every month for, what, decades until he dies, and then for decades more under Qusay.
No, you've already demonstrated that you don't give a damn about Iraqi civilian deaths by your support of Saddam.
posted on
06/02/2003 12:43:40 PM PDT
("Never have so many been so wrong about so much." - Rummy)
To: templar
posted on
06/02/2003 1:23:28 PM PDT
("Never have so many been so wrong about so much." - Rummy)
To: Agape
This is true, its not looking good for Bush or Blair. Blair is taking a lot of heat, and if I recall, he promised to resign if WMDs were not found. Fortunately for Bush, so far the Democrats don't have a candidate who can take on the republicans.
I'm sure there will be an inquiry pretty soon, as its evident that 1) Bush and Powell have lied all along or 2) they had extremely poor intelligence....I certainly hope its the latter. Bush is starting to lose credibility even with his supporters and certainly they should lay off the threats to Syria and Iran until the intelligence data is verified. It is beginning to look as if the war was not justified after all, regardless of how bad Saddam was/is.
I have to admit, I'm also beginning to wonder if all those orange alerts were really on the level.
They also need to get their act together in Iraq, the situation is not good there either.
Questioning these things and expressing this opinion doesn't make me a Saddam supporter, nor does it make one a lefty.
"That's BS. We need to find the REAL WMDs (the biological/chemical/nuclear weapons) that Bush was talking about before we can call this war a success."
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
Bump for later read and browse.
posted on
06/02/2003 2:35:37 PM PDT
(Haruspex, beware.)
To: k2blader
posted on
06/02/2003 2:39:22 PM PDT
(Where is Saddam? and his Weapons of Mass Destruction?)
To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
Many thanks!
posted on
06/02/2003 2:41:10 PM PDT
(Haruspex, beware.)
To: alnick
No, you've already demonstrated that you don't give a damn about Iraqi civilian deaths by your support of Saddam. There it is again. The foolish statement that if you didn't want to go to war with Iraq, you must be a lover of Saddam. That is ridiculous. I suppose that if I don't want to go to war with Cuba, since it is not a threat to us, I must love Castro. Stop and think a minute and you will see how silly that statement is.
We have no business risking our soldiers lives fighting against a nation that is not a threat to us. Their internal problems are their own. Of course, if you want to help the poor people there, you are welcome to volunteer. Did you go to help the Tutsis in Ruanda in 1994? Did you think that our government should have? They were ultimately saved by their brethren from neighboring countries.
posted on
06/02/2003 3:40:42 PM PDT
(Freedom is the one thing that you cannot have unless you grant it to everyone else.)
To: Mike4Freedom
No, you were the one griping about the civilian deaths in post 119. I pointed out that because of the war we have prevented countless civilian deaths. You can't have it both ways. You can't complain about the war based on civilian deaths, and then jump me for pointing out that the number of civilian deaths is miniscule compared to what would have happened if we'd left Saddam in power.
posted on
06/02/2003 4:24:32 PM PDT
("Never have so many been so wrong about so much." - Rummy)
To: alnick
An alleged chemical spill in a river is more likely to be industrial waste than WMD's. Especially since we were bombing the H*ll out of his industrial resources there. Explain exactly how one would load the Euphrates into a cannon and fire it at someone? And, if you'd like cyanide to be WMD proof (it's a very common industrial chemical), it ends up in Colorado rivers and streams frequently (killing all the aquatic life), so if it is proof of illegal WMD's ... When does the bombing start?
As I said, show me some WMD's, not a bunch of stuff that the Iraq war supporters (those who seem to think it's no problem that they may have been lied to in order to manipulate them) claim are proof because there is an outside possibility that some obscure trace of chemical or some piece of multiple use manufacturing equipment might have possibly indicated the potential to make them.
Remember that we were sold a bill of goods about tens and tens of thousand of WMD munitions, thousands of tons of assorted weaponized chemicals ready to be deployed by everything from scud missles to remote controlled drone aircraft, hundreds of gallons of biological agents (smallpox, anthrax, botulina, etc.) and so on.
Just show 'em to me, that's all I'm asking. I think it's a reasonable request in return for my support of the war; support based on believing those claims. Just show 'em to me.
BTW, remember the river pollution in the Balkans war? No one seems to claim that's proof of WMD's.
posted on
06/02/2003 5:21:44 PM PDT
In fairness to
Buckeroo, he merely posted something he found
at Cockburn's website. I must think that he/she was simply posting whatever was coming-up on a search, just as I must think his defense of the same was a result of pride and of ignorance.
The alternative is more difficult to stomach; a self-professed "conservative" whose hatred of all things Bush has driven him/her into the clutches of the unapologetic Marxist Left, and who accuses the folks who call to attention this entente cordiale (or marriage-of-convenience) of improper or impure patriotism. Talk about cognitive dissonance.
To: templar
Just as I suspected.
posted on
06/02/2003 6:04:40 PM PDT
("Never have so many been so wrong about so much." - Rummy)
To: templar
Crows are best eaten, when tenderized by maggots. It takes time.
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