All right, let's see if you are true to your word.
As I said, show me some WMD's, not a bunch of stuff that the Iraq war supporters (those who seem to think it's no problem that they may have been lied to in order to manipulate them) claim are proof because there is an outside possibility that some obscure trace of chemical or some piece of multiple use manufacturing equipment might have possibly indicated the potential to make them.
Remember that we were sold a bill of goods about tens and tens of thousand of WMD munitions, thousands of tons of assorted weaponized chemicals ready to be deployed by everything from scud missles to remote controlled drone aircraft, hundreds of gallons of biological agents (smallpox, anthrax, botulina, etc.) and so on.
Just show 'em to me, that's all I'm asking. I think it's a reasonable request in return for my support of the war; support based on believing those claims. Just show 'em to me.
BTW, remember the river pollution in the Balkans war? No one seems to claim that's proof of WMD's.