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To: earplug
Maybe you should check your facts -- President Bush became Governor of Texas in January 1995 after being elected in November 1994. Ma Richards was the Governor when this happened!

Branch Davidians refused to surrender in the spring of 1993 when Clinton was just in office and Reno/Hillary sent in the agents and the result was the fire! Here are the exact dates:

Six Branch Davidians died during the February 28, 1993 raid and, at least 80 during the April 19, 1993 fire.
183 posted on 05/30/2003 8:52:52 PM PDT by PhiKapMom (Bush Cheney '04 - VICTORY IN '04 -- $4 for '04 -
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To: PhiKapMom
Hmmm.... what else was going on around Feb 28, 1993?

1993 : (IRAQ SENDS CHEMICAL WEAPONS TO SUDAN THROUGH IRAN) In 1993, Iraq sent additional chemical weapons to Sudan, this time through Iran. - Yossef Bodansky, "The Iraqi WMD Challenge - Myths and Reality," TASK FORCE ON TERRORISM & UNCONVENTIONAL WARFARE, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. 20515 , February 10, 1998(* My note : With Iran's permission, or were they smuggled using some group?)

JANUARY 25, 1993 : (CIA SHOOTER KANSI SHOOTS FIVE PEOPLE< TWO CIA PERSONNEL) Five commuters in a morning rush-hour jam outside the gates of the CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., were shot by a gunman, Mir Amal Kansi, firing an AK-47 automatic rifle. All but one worked for the CIA. Two CIA employees -- Frank Darling, a communications engineer, and Lansing Bennett, a doctor -- died. Kansi's friends and relatives told U.S. officials that he had been mentally unstable since the death of his father, a wealthy tribal chief, in 1989. It is not known if the attack was politically motivated or if it was connected to the bombing of the World Trade Center, which came one month later. The alleged mastermind of that attack, Ramzi Yousef, followed a similar escape route. The feds interviewed his roommate, Zahed Ahmad Mir, who they said told them that Kansi wanted to use that rifle to attack a symbol of the United States. Kansi's trail had went cold by the time the FBI and the CIA tracked his path from his nearby apartment in Reston, Va., to Dulles International Airport-- the White House or the CIA. - "Man Suspected of Killing 2 CIA Agents Is Apprehended, " By TIM WEINER , NYT, June 18, 1997 via

FEBRUARY 10, 1993 : (US,YUGOSLAVIA) The Clinton administration said U.S. troops could be sent to enforce peace in former Yugoslavia provided warring factions there negotiated a settlement.  


FEBRUARY 26, 1993, 5:12 PM : (NEW YORK, WTC -1 BOMBING, CYANIDE, YOUSEF) Car bomb exploded on the 2nd level of parking basement in the World Trade Center, killed 7 and injured hundreds. The bombers also left behind a device designed to release cyanide gas to kill emergency response crews and area residents, but the fire destroyed the cyanide. Bin Laden denied involvement. Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, who had been trained in Afghanistan, was named as an FBI suspect and added to the Ten Most Wanted list, with a $2 million reward. In 1985, Yousef was recognized in Pakistan, arrested, and extradited to the US. Yousef was convicted of being the "mastermind" of the 2/26/93 attack and sentenced to life in prison.

FEBRUARY 26, 1993 : (WTC1 PLOT, SALAMEH, RAHMAN, YOUSEF) Under the influence of Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, Ramzi Ahmed Yousef organizes Mohammed Salameh and three others in plotting and carrying out a bombing at NY's WTC towers that caused mass destruction, six deaths and more than a thousand wounded. The group is comprised of Egyptians and Palestinians. His companion, a Palestinian named Ahmad Ajaj, who arrived on a fake Swedish passport, was arrested and found to have bombmaking videos and manuals in his luggage. Salameh entered the US in 1988 on a Jordanian passport and a visitors visa issued in Amman, Jordan. He applied for legal residence status [presumably asylee status], was turned down, and continued to be in the country on appeal of that decision. Abdel Rahman, an Egyptian religious leader charged with inciting a 1989 riot in Egypt, obtained a visa in Khartoum, Sudan which had no automated lookout system that would have identified him as a security threat. He entered as a tourist and applied for political asylum and received legal residence. An immigration judge ordered him deported in March, 1993, but he was still in the country four months later when he is arrested for terrorist acts.

FEBRUARY 26, 1993 : (WTC 1 BOMBING) World Trade Centre in New York, USA, badly damaged by a massive bomb planted by Islamic terrorists. The car bomb was planted in an underground garage and left six people dead and more than one thousand people injured.

FEBRUARY 26, 1993 : (WTC 1 PLOT : YOUSEF, FORMERLY A COLLABORATOR DURING IRAQ'S OCCUPATION OF KUWAIT, PLANNED WTC1 ATTACK) Ramzi Yousef is serving 240 years in a US prison for masterminding the 1993 attacks. Raised in Kuwait, he is known to have collaborated with Iraq during the occupation of Kuwait. - "Powell's mission: to link Saddam with terror,", February 1 2003

MARCH 1993 ?: (YOUSEF FLEES THE US ; HIDES IN THE PHILIPPINES, PLANS BOJINKA) Six months later [after he arrived in the US in Sept 1992], Yousef fled, having constructed the truck bomb that fellow Islamic extremists drove into the basement of the trade centre. While in hiding in Manila, [Yousef] then drew up plans to bomb 11 American passenger airliners over the Pacific. - "Powell's mission: to link Saddam with terror,", February 1 2003

1993 : (WTC1, YASIN, IRAQ) Abdul Rahman Yasin mixed and made the truck bomb which wrought destruction and killed six in the first New York World Trade Center attack - then coolly boarded a plane for Baghdad, where he still resides. There is strong evidence that Ramzi Yousef, leader of both the 1993 New York bombing and a failed attempt two years later to down 12 American airliners over the Pacific, was an Iraqi intelligence officer.

1993 : (WTC - 1 BOMBING AFTERMATH) In 1993, immediately following the World Trade Center bombing, federal prosecutors and FBI agents reexamined raw materials, documents, and data they had collected since the assassination of right-wing Rabbi Meir Kahane by El Sayyid Nosair in November 1990 and the murder (still unsolved) of the fundamentalist head of the Al Kifah office in Brooklyn, Mustapha Shalabi, in February 1991.  Although it was too late to prevent the bombing, the boxes of material seized from Nosair's apartment following his arrest in 1990 contained the very seeds of the World Trade Center explosion.  In 1993, the same materials seized in 1990 were found to be a roadmap to the jihad conspiracy in the US of the previous three years. Similarly, the documents and materials seized in 1990 from Nosair's home– many of which have been reexamined immediately following the twin embassy bombings – have now provided at least a partial roadmap to understanding and reconstructing the Bin Laden network.  In particular, new attention has been focused on the Al Kifah Refugee Center, known in Arabic as the Office of Services of the Mujahideen, that gave birth, as prosecutors laid out in their complaints and indictments, to Bin Laden's secret terrorist organization.

FEBRUARY 28, 1993 : (BOSNIA-HERCEGOVINIA) The US begins an airdrop of relief supplies aimed at Muslims surrounded by Serbian forces in Bosnia.

FEBRUARY 28, 1993 : (WACO) Branch Davidion cult barricade themselves into their compound at Waco, United States, after an abortive Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms raid leaves four Federal agents and six cult members dead. Eighty six cult members, including their leader David Koresh, die when the compound burns down during an assault by Federal agents on 19 April.

FEBRUARY 28, 1993 : (NY DAILY NEWS WARNS THAT TERRORISM AKIN TO THE FIRST WTC BOMBING MAY HAPPEN AGAIN) New York Daily News warned that "this [terrorism like the WTC 1 bombing] may happen again." "The Clinton administration must treat the bombing not as a simple criminal act, but as an act of war," the Daily News wrote, adding that "measures aimed at controlling the spread of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons" also were urgently needed. "Iraq, Iran and North Korea could end up with atomic bombs." - "A warning not heeded, " New York Daily News 2/26/03

MARCH 1993 : (GORE : CLIPPER CHIP PROJECT : AT&T TELEPHONE SECURITY DEVICE MEETING WITH BROWN, GORE, HUBBELL, RENO, PANETTA) One document released by the Justice Dept. is a March 1993 Justice Dept. memo from Stephen Colgate, Assistant Attorney General for Administration, to Webster Hubbell. In 1993, Webster Hubbell, the now convicted Rose office law partner of Hillary Clinton, served as the number two at the Justice Department. Both Gore and Janet Reno personally tasked Hubbell to run the Clipper project. Colgate's 1993 memo to Hubbell provides the details of the Gore plan. According to the Colgate memo, Vice President Al Gore chaired a meeting with Hubbell, Reno, Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, and Leon Panetta in March 1993. The meeting was on the "AT&T Telephone Security Device".- "Secret Documents: Hubbell Wanted Federal Access to Phones, " by Charles R. Smith, NewsMax , 8/29/02

MARCH 1993 : (RAHMAN, WTC 1) A US immigration judge orders the deportation of Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, but he was still in the country four months later when he would be arrested for terrorist acts..

MARCH 9, 1993 : (CLINTON, HUANG, RIADY, CHEN, THE PRC & TIANAMEN SQUARE MASSACRE) John Huang writes a memo to James Riady, regarding "Mr. Chen Xitong from China." Huang is attempting to coordinate a trip to Atlanta by Mr. Chen. Huang assures Riady, "I have already stressed the importance of this visitor to all of us." At the time it was written, Chen was a CCP Politiburo member, ranking 8th in the hierarchy. He was also mayor of Beijing, and Beijing was competing with Sydney, Australia, for the right to host the year 2000 Summer Olympic Games. Short of the late paramount leader Deng Xiaoping and ex-Premier Li Peng, it would be hard to find a more notorious and corrupt CCP official than Chen, or one with more blood on his hands from the June 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. Chen signed the martial law decrees justifying the use of tanks and flamethrowers against unarmed civilians. After the streets had been cleared of blood, Chen gave the official verdict on the massacre in a report to the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress. He blamed the murder of thousands of innocents on a conspiracy originated by "some political forces in the West", so it would be extremely difficult for Huang to get a U.S. Visa for Chen. The memo would later be discovered by Senate Democratic staff in John Huang's files.

MARCH 20, 1993 : (IRA BOMB SHOPPING MALL ) Irish Republican Army bomb shopping mall in Warrington, England, killing two children and injury fifty six civilians.

APRIL 1993 : (CHINAGATE : MISSILE TECH & MOTOROLA) Motorola, Inc. bet hundreds of millions of dollars and its corporate prestige on the assumption that the Chinese could develop a new advanced version of the Long March rocket to launch a series of Motorola satellites at a time when the existing models of the Long March weren't reliable.

APRIL 1993 : (MOTOROLA, CHINA) Motorola, Inc. bet hundreds of millions of dollars and its corporate prestige on the assumption that the Chinese could develop a new advanced version of the Long March rocket to launch a series of Motorola satellites at a time when the existing models of the Long March weren't reliable.

APRIL 9, 1993 : (IRAQIS PAINT US AIRCRAFT, US FIRES BACK) Iraqi antiaircraft 'paints' US aircraft. U.S. warplanes bomb or fire missiles at Iraqi anti-aircraft sites which had tracked U.S. aricraft

APRIL 13, 1993 : (BOSNIA-HERCEGOVINA) Clinton reports that U.S. forces were participating in a NATO air action to enforce a U.N. ban on all unauthorized military flights over Bosnia-Hercegovina.

APRIL 14, 1993 : (IRAQ TRIES TO ASSASSINATE US PRESIDENT H. W. BUSH IN KUWAIT) Iraqi intelligence service attempt to assassinate former US President, George Bush, during a visit to Kuwait. Two months later the US launches a cruise missile attack on the Iraqi capital Baghdad in retaliation. * Attempted assassination of former President Bush in Kuwait was the most brazen Iraqi act of terrorism in 1993. Kuwaiti officials discovered the elaborate scheme to kill former President Bush with an enormous car bomb shortly before he arrived for a visit. The group arrested for the assassination attempt was also planning a bombing campaign to destabilize Kuwait. 14 suspects--11 Iraqis and three Kuwaitis. Several of the Iraqi defendants worked for Iraqi intelligence, according to testimony in the trial. Forensic evidence also clearly linked Iraq to the abortive attack. "More recently, when Iraqi involvement in the plotted assassination of President Bush was verified in June 1993, President Clinton ordered a Tomahawk missile strike against the facility believed to have facilitated the planning of the operation, the headquarters complex of the Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS). This attack (while later determined to be of questionable military effectiveness) provided a significant symbol of US resolve to punish those responsible involved in terrorism directed against its citizens. force.html
Iraq, notwithstanding UN Security Council resolutions requiring its renunciation of terrorism, continues terrorist attacks against political dissidents at home and abroad, many of them Kurds. Saddam Hussein is known to provide safe haven for terrorist groups, including the factions of the Palestinian Liberation Front, the Abu Nidal Organization, and the Arab Liberation Front (U.S. Department of State 1995, 26).

APRIL 18, 1993 : (IRAQ): Iraqi antiaircraft 'paints' US aircraft. U.S. warplanes bomb or fire missiles at Iraqi anti-aircraft sites which had tracked U.S. aricraft

APRIL 24, 1993 : (IRA BOMBING IN LONDON) City of London financial district devastated by IRA bomb; one civilian killed. It causes US $1.5 billion in damage.

1993 fall : (IRAQIS LIVING AND OPERATING IN SUDAN BY THIS TIME) With the UN inspections continuing, Baghdad committed itself to bolstering the regime in Khartoum -- a key storage site for Iraq's strategic systems. By the Fall of 1993, a large number of Iraqis moved into the area of the Red Sea mountain range -- in Madabay in Khawr Ashraf, Port Sudan, in the region of Dalawat on the Red Sea near Hala'ib, and the city of Tawker in region of Karnakanat. The Iraqis brought into these installations high-tech equipment and computers, missiles, defense systems, anti-aircraft systems and radar systems.By late 1993, the regions surrounding these installations were experiencing strict security measures and 24-hour armed patrols roam around it. In some areas, such as in the Port Sudan area, shepherds and nomads were completely removed from security zones with a 60 km circumference. - Yossef Bodansky, "The Iraqi WMD Challenge - Myths and Reality," TASK FORCE ON TERRORISM & UNCONVENTIONAL WARFARE, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. 20515 , February 10, 1998

200 posted on 05/30/2003 10:01:44 PM PDT by piasa (Attitude adjustments offered here free of charge.)
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