And who created or spawned the primordial soup from which man was supposed to have evolved? If man evolved from apes, why are there still apes?
This is exactly analogous to asking, "If I descended from my grandfather, why is my grandfather still here?"
Species generally don't evolve in their entirety, they usually spin off subpopulations which evolve in a different direction from the "parent" population. Thus the parent species is quite often still around when the new species has evolved into something different.
Think of species splitting as they evolve into two or more resulting species, not just changing en masse into something else. That's why life on Earth resembles a family *tree*. It's always branching from a long-ago original "trunk", or more recently from a local "branch".
Perhaps for the same reason that you didn't kill your parents.
Now that's easy, the question however is, if man evolved from apes where did women come from?