I would never go that far with a politician, only this one goes to poor countries and practices medicine there for several weeks a year for free. (See doctors without borders) This puts him way ahead of most people IMO. Can you site the source of his families misdeeds? Were they serious? Was there punishment? You imply that they did something dishonest and used their power and pull to get away with it. This is not good, but I did not know about it. Can you fill me in?
Yes, to a point - that makes him a kind man with a social conscience. Doesn't make him honest. Heck, Jimmah Kaahtah builds homes for humanity.
Can you site the source of his families misdeeds? Were they serious? Was there punishment? You imply that they did something dishonest and used their power and pull to get away with it. This is not good, but I did not know about it. Can you fill me in?
I don't remember the particulars - but it was something like double billing Medicare and they were ordered to pay a fine and restitution. Others will probably know more than I do about it. My observation was in general - why if you steal millions do you get to pay a fine or pay it back. If you steal 10,000, you are probably going to jail - if you have no connections.