If this is your attitude, I'm sure the women you date pick up on it, and it sours them on you, also. Perhaps you are looking for perfection when you yourself lack such a quality? Give yourself, and women, a break. As far as "mental problems" so what? who cares? I mean, as long as you aren't talking about sociopaths, then perhaps a nice obsessive compulsive or a hand-wringing worrier would have other compensating qualities, and be very grateful for your attention, to boot. I'm sure the leftist inspired psychological community would be glad to commit us all if they could. They certainly act like it. At any rate, if you start looking at women as human beings, and forgive them for their faults, then perhaps you will find someone that forgives you for yours.
Good luck. You sound like you would be a good catch for some young woman (and 20's and 30's is young!) if you can just relax. Women--we are people, you know.
LOL and a high five to you!