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1 posted on 04/09/2003 4:05:06 PM PDT by Dan from Michigan
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To: Dan from Michigan
Amendment offered by Mr. Scott (VA).

An amendment numbered 2 printed in House Report 108-64 to eliminate the requirement under the bill for the conviction of a transferor who knowingly transfers a firearm, knowing that such a firearm will be used to commit a crime of violence before a transferor can be sued.

(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)

      H R 1036     RECORDED VOTE      9-APR-2003   3:48 PM
      AUTHOR(S): Scott of Virginia Amendment
      QUESTION: On Agreeing to the Amendment

REPUBLICAN 2 221   5
DEMOCRATIC 146 56   3
TOTALS 148 278   8

--- AYES    148 ---

Abercrombie Harman Neal (MA)
Ackerman Hastings (FL) Obey
Allen Hinojosa Olver
Andrews Hoeffel Owens
Baird Holt Pallone
Baldwin Honda Pascrell
Ballance Hoyer Pastor
Becerra Inslee Payne
Berman Israel Pelosi
Bishop (NY) Jackson (IL) Price (NC)
Blumenauer Jackson-Lee (TX) Rangel
Brady (PA) Jefferson Rodriguez
Brown (OH) Johnson, E. B. Rothman
Brown, Corrine Jones (OH) Roybal-Allard
Capps Kaptur Rush
Capuano Kennedy (RI) Sabo
Cardin Kildee Sanchez, Linda T.
Carson (IN) Kilpatrick Sanchez, Loretta
Case Kirk Schakowsky
Castle Kleczka Schiff
Clay Kucinich Scott (VA)
Clyburn Langevin Serrano
Conyers Lantos Sherman
Crowley Larson (CT) Slaughter
Cummings Lee Smith (WA)
Davis (AL) Levin Snyder
Davis (CA) Lewis (GA) Solis
Davis (FL) Lofgren Spratt
Davis (IL) Lowey Stark
DeGette Lynch Tauscher
Delahunt Majette Thompson (CA)
DeLauro Maloney Thompson (MS)
Deutsch Markey Tierney
Dicks Matsui Towns
Doggett McCarthy (NY) Udall (CO)
Doyle McCollum Udall (NM)
Emanuel McDermott Van Hollen
Engel McGovern Velazquez
Eshoo McNulty Visclosky
Etheridge Meehan Waters
Evans Meek (FL) Watson
Farr Meeks (NY) Watt
Fattah Menendez Waxman
Filner Millender-McDonald Weiner
Ford Miller (NC) Wexler
Frank (MA) Miller, George Woolsey
Frost Moore Wu
Gephardt Moran (VA) Wynn
Gonzalez Nadler
Gutierrez Napolitano
--- NOES    278 ---

Aderholt Gibbons Ortiz
Akin Gilchrest Osborne
Alexander Gillmor Ose
Baca Gingrey Otter
Bachus Goode Oxley
Baker Goodlatte Paul
Ballenger Gordon Pearce
Barrett (SC) Goss Pence
Bartlett (MD) Granger Peterson (MN)
Barton (TX) Graves Petri
Bass Green (TX) Pickering
Beauprez Green (WI) Pitts
Bell Greenwood Platts
Bereuter Grijalva Pombo
Berkley Gutknecht Pomeroy
Biggert Hall Porter
Bilirakis Harris Portman
Bishop (GA) Hart Pryce (OH)
Bishop (UT) Hastings (WA) Putnam
Blackburn Hayes Quinn
Blunt Hayworth Radanovich
Boehlert Hefley Rahall
Boehner Hensarling Ramstad
Bonilla Herger Regula
Bonner Hill Rehberg
Bono Hinchey Renzi
Boozman Hobson Reyes
Boswell Hoekstra Reynolds
Boucher Holden Rogers (AL)
Bradley (NH) Hooley (OR) Rogers (KY)
Brady (TX) Hostettler Rogers (MI)
Brown (SC) Hulshof Rohrabacher
Brown-Waite, Ginny Hunter Ros-Lehtinen
Burgess Isakson Ross
Burns Issa Royce
Burr Istook Ruppersberger
Burton (IN) Janklow Ryan (OH)
Buyer Jenkins Ryan (WI)
Calvert John Sanders
Camp Johnson (CT) Sandlin
Cannon Johnson (IL) Saxton
Cantor Johnson, Sam Schrock
Capito Jones (NC) Scott (GA)
Cardoza Kanjorski Sensenbrenner
Carson (OK) Keller Sessions
Carter Kelly Shadegg
Chabot Kennedy (MN) Shaw
Chocola Kind Shays
Coble King (IA) Sherwood
Cole King (NY) Shimkus
Collins Kingston Shuster
Combest Kline Simmons
Cooper Knollenberg Simpson
Costello Kolbe Skelton
Cox LaHood Smith (MI)
Cramer Lampson Smith (NJ)
Crane Larsen (WA) Smith (TX)
Crenshaw Latham Souder
Cubin LaTourette Stearns
Culberson Leach Stenholm
Cunningham Lewis (CA) Strickland
Davis (TN) Lewis (KY) Stupak
Davis, Jo Ann Linder Sullivan
Davis, Tom Lipinski Sweeney
Deal (GA) LoBiondo Tancredo
DeFazio Lucas (KY) Tanner
DeLay Manzullo Tauzin
DeMint Marshall Taylor (MS)
Diaz-Balart, L. Matheson Taylor (NC)
Diaz-Balart, M. McCotter Terry
Dingell McCrery Thomas
Dooley (CA) McHugh Thornberry
Doolittle McInnis Tiahrt
Dreier McIntyre Tiberi
Duncan McKeon Toomey
Dunn Mica Turner (OH)
Edwards Michaud Turner (TX)
Ehlers Miller (FL) Upton
Emerson Miller (MI) Vitter
English Miller, Gary Walden (OR)
Everett Mollohan Walsh
Feeney Moran (KS) Wamp
Ferguson Murphy Weldon (FL)
Flake Murtha Weldon (PA)
Fletcher Musgrave Weller
Foley Myrick Whitfield
Forbes Nethercutt Wicker
Fossella Ney Wilson (NM)
Franks (AZ) Northup Wilson (SC)
Frelinghuysen Norwood Wolf
Gallegly Nunes Young (AK)
Garrett (NJ) Nussle Young (FL)
Gerlach Oberstar
--- NOT VOTING    8 ---

Berry Hyde Peterson (PA)
Boyd Lucas (OK) Ryun (KS)
Houghton McCarthy (MO)

2 posted on 04/09/2003 4:06:18 PM PDT by Dan from Michigan ("I have two guns. One for each of ya." - Doc Holliday)
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To: Dan from Michigan
Amendment offered by Ms. Sanchez, Linda T.

An amendment numbered 3 printed in House Report 108-64 to remove from liability immunity any gun sellers or manufacturers who sell or otherwise give guns or ammunition to someone who uses or is addicted to illegal drugs, or "who has been adjudicated as a mental defective".

(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)

      H R 1036     RECORDED VOTE      9-APR-2003   3:56 PM
      AUTHOR(S): Linda Sanchez of California Amendment
      QUESTION: On Agreeing to the Amendment

REPUBLICAN 2 220   6
DEMOCRATIC 132 68   5
TOTALS 134 289   11

--- AYES    134 ---

Abercrombie Gutierrez Owens
Ackerman Hastings (FL) Pallone
Allen Hoeffel Pascrell
Andrews Holt Pastor
Baldwin Honda Payne
Ballance Hoyer Pelosi
Becerra Inslee Price (NC)
Bell Israel Ramstad
Berkley Jackson (IL) Rangel
Berman Jackson-Lee (TX) Rothman
Bishop (NY) Jones (OH) Roybal-Allard
Blumenauer Kaptur Ruppersberger
Brady (PA) Kennedy (RI) Rush
Brown (OH) Kildee Sabo
Brown, Corrine Kilpatrick Sanchez, Linda T.
Capps Kleczka Sanchez, Loretta
Capuano Kucinich Schakowsky
Cardin Langevin Schiff
Carson (IN) Lantos Scott (VA)
Case Larson (CT) Serrano
Clay Lee Shays
Clyburn Levin Sherman
Conyers Lofgren Slaughter
Crowley Lowey Solis
Cummings Lynch Spratt
Davis (CA) Majette Stark
Davis (FL) Maloney Tauscher
Davis (IL) Markey Thompson (MS)
DeGette Matsui Tierney
Delahunt McCarthy (NY) Towns
Deutsch McCollum Udall (CO)
Dicks McDermott Udall (NM)
Doggett McGovern Van Hollen
Doyle McNulty Velazquez
Emanuel Meehan Visclosky
Engel Meek (FL) Waters
Eshoo Menendez Watson
Etheridge Millender-McDonald Watt
Evans Miller (NC) Waxman
Farr Miller, George Weiner
Fattah Moran (VA) Wexler
Filner Nadler Woolsey
Frank (MA) Napolitano Wu
Gephardt Neal (MA) Wynn
Grijalva Olver
--- NOES    289 ---

Aderholt Gibbons Oberstar
Akin Gilchrest Obey
Alexander Gillmor Ortiz
Baca Gingrey Osborne
Bachus Gonzalez Ose
Baird Goode Otter
Baker Goodlatte Oxley
Ballenger Gordon Paul
Barrett (SC) Goss Pearce
Bartlett (MD) Granger Pence
Barton (TX) Graves Peterson (MN)
Bass Green (TX) Petri
Beauprez Green (WI) Pickering
Bereuter Greenwood Pitts
Berry Gutknecht Platts
Biggert Hall Pombo
Bilirakis Harman Pomeroy
Bishop (GA) Harris Porter
Bishop (UT) Hart Portman
Blackburn Hastings (WA) Pryce (OH)
Blunt Hayes Putnam
Boehlert Hayworth Quinn
Boehner Hefley Radanovich
Bonilla Hensarling Rahall
Bonner Herger Regula
Bono Hill Rehberg
Boozman Hinchey Renzi
Boswell Hinojosa Reyes
Boucher Hobson Reynolds
Bradley (NH) Hoekstra Rodriguez
Brady (TX) Holden Rogers (AL)
Brown (SC) Hooley (OR) Rogers (KY)
Brown-Waite, Ginny Hostettler Rogers (MI)
Burgess Hulshof Rohrabacher
Burns Hunter Ros-Lehtinen
Burr Isakson Ross
Burton (IN) Issa Royce
Buyer Istook Ryan (OH)
Calvert Janklow Ryan (WI)
Camp Jefferson Sanders
Cannon Jenkins Sandlin
Cantor John Saxton
Capito Johnson (CT) Schrock
Cardoza Johnson (IL) Scott (GA)
Carson (OK) Johnson, E. B. Sensenbrenner
Carter Johnson, Sam Sessions
Castle Jones (NC) Shadegg
Chabot Kanjorski Shaw
Chocola Keller Sherwood
Coble Kelly Shimkus
Cole Kennedy (MN) Shuster
Collins Kind Simmons
Combest King (IA) Simpson
Costello King (NY) Skelton
Cox Kingston Smith (MI)
Cramer Kirk Smith (NJ)
Crane Kline Smith (TX)
Crenshaw Knollenberg Smith (WA)
Cubin Kolbe Snyder
Culberson LaHood Souder
Cunningham Lampson Stearns
Davis (AL) Larsen (WA) Stenholm
Davis (TN) Latham Strickland
Davis, Jo Ann LaTourette Stupak
Davis, Tom Leach Sullivan
Deal (GA) Lewis (KY) Sweeney
DeFazio Linder Tancredo
DeLauro Lipinski Tanner
DeLay LoBiondo Tauzin
DeMint Lucas (KY) Taylor (MS)
Diaz-Balart, L. Manzullo Taylor (NC)
Diaz-Balart, M. Marshall Terry
Dingell Matheson Thomas
Dooley (CA) McCotter Thompson (CA)
Doolittle McCrery Thornberry
Dreier McHugh Tiahrt
Duncan McInnis Tiberi
Dunn McIntyre Toomey
Edwards McKeon Turner (OH)
Ehlers Mica Turner (TX)
Emerson Michaud Upton
English Miller (FL) Vitter
Everett Miller (MI) Walden (OR)
Feeney Miller, Gary Walsh
Ferguson Mollohan Wamp
Flake Moore Weldon (FL)
Fletcher Moran (KS) Weldon (PA)
Foley Murphy Weller
Forbes Murtha Whitfield
Ford Musgrave Wicker
Fossella Myrick Wilson (NM)
Franks (AZ) Nethercutt Wilson (SC)
Frelinghuysen Ney Wolf
Frost Northup Young (AK)
Gallegly Norwood Young (FL)
Garrett (NJ) Nunes
Gerlach Nussle
--- NOT VOTING    11 ---

Boyd Lewis (CA) Meeks (NY)
Cooper Lewis (GA) Peterson (PA)
Houghton Lucas (OK) Ryun (KS)
Hyde McCarthy (MO)

3 posted on 04/09/2003 4:07:22 PM PDT by Dan from Michigan ("I have two guns. One for each of ya." - Doc Holliday)
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To: bang_list
5 posted on 04/09/2003 4:08:52 PM PDT by Dan from Michigan ("I have two guns. One for each of ya." - Doc Holliday)
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6 posted on 04/09/2003 4:10:15 PM PDT by Support Free Republic (Your support keeps Free Republic going strong!)
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To: Dan from Michigan
Har, har, har! Mr. Golden Boy Wannabe President in 2004 Gephardt took a walk to the little boy's room for this vote! Of course - he doesn't want to have to campaign in *pro-gun* rural Missouri and elsewhere in the Midwest with a "no" vote on his record. A "yes" vote would set every other Dem Party leader at his throat, though. What a conundrum...
8 posted on 04/09/2003 4:11:43 PM PDT by valkyrieanne
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To: Dan from Michigan
Well, NH did its part (again)
13 posted on 04/09/2003 4:20:16 PM PDT by NewHampshireDuo
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To: Dan from Michigan
Lawyers are gonna squeal like pigs.



16 posted on 04/09/2003 4:23:55 PM PDT by Servant of the Nine (Republicans for Sharpton)
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To: Dan from Michigan
Shays, Case and Castle.

Get them gone!

Be out of my house!

24 posted on 04/09/2003 4:50:36 PM PDT by Amerigomag
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To: Dan from Michigan
Even Bernie Sanders voted for it.
25 posted on 04/09/2003 4:55:20 PM PDT by Paleo Conservative (Rest in pieces Saddam!)
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To: Dan from Michigan
Well Dan thanks for the post. I'm surprised to see Larsen vote for this but now that I think about it he represents a pretty rural district.

Of course my allstar rep. Inslee voted against it because he really wants to grow up to be McDermott.
37 posted on 04/09/2003 9:23:36 PM PDT by TheErnFormerlyKnownAsBig (.45 .46, whatever it takes)
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To: Dan from Michigan
A victory for the 2nd Amendment! Does the bill next go to the Senate or to the President's Desk?

40 posted on 04/10/2003 12:46:21 AM PDT by 2nd_Amendment_Defender ("It is when people forget God that tyrants forge their chains." -- Patrick Henry)
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To: Dan from Michigan
Glad to see my Congresscritter voted for it. He's damn good. Almost always in the 90s in ACU's conservative rating.
41 posted on 04/10/2003 6:19:45 AM PDT by Thane_Banquo
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To: Dan from Michigan
Good God Harold Ford Jr. (D) is on the right side of this issue.

I have to give him credit, I have not thrown anything at my congressman (on TV not in person!) since he was elected. I actually do not cringe when he comes on TV. He has acted pretty much like a gentleman. That is a change from Sr.

43 posted on 04/10/2003 8:15:57 AM PDT by Nov3
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To: Dan from Michigan
Interesting. I note that NC's Bob Etheridge (D) did the weasel dance voting yes for the bill, then voting for all of the ammendments to water it down.
71 posted on 04/10/2003 5:28:18 PM PDT by TC Rider (The United States Constitution © 1791. All Rights Reserved.)
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