To: Dan from Michigan
Amendment offered by Ms. Sanchez, Linda T.
An amendment numbered 3 printed in House Report 108-64 to remove from liability immunity any gun sellers or manufacturers who sell or otherwise give guns or ammunition to someone who uses or is addicted to illegal drugs, or "who has been adjudicated as a mental defective".
FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR ROLL CALL 121(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)
H R 1036 RECORDED VOTE 9-APR-2003 3:56 PM
AUTHOR(S): Linda Sanchez of California Amendment
QUESTION: On Agreeing to the Amendment
NV |
2 |
220 |
6 |
132 |
68 |
5 |
1 |
134 |
289 |
11 |
--- AYES 134 ---
Abercrombie |
Gutierrez |
Owens |
Ackerman |
Hastings (FL) |
Pallone |
Allen |
Hoeffel |
Pascrell |
Andrews |
Holt |
Pastor |
Baldwin |
Honda |
Payne |
Ballance |
Hoyer |
Pelosi |
Becerra |
Inslee |
Price (NC) |
Bell |
Israel |
Ramstad |
Berkley |
Jackson (IL) |
Rangel |
Berman |
Jackson-Lee (TX) |
Rothman |
Bishop (NY) |
Jones (OH) |
Roybal-Allard |
Blumenauer |
Kaptur |
Ruppersberger |
Brady (PA) |
Kennedy (RI) |
Rush |
Brown (OH) |
Kildee |
Sabo |
Brown, Corrine |
Kilpatrick |
Sanchez, Linda T. |
Capps |
Kleczka |
Sanchez, Loretta |
Capuano |
Kucinich |
Schakowsky |
Cardin |
Langevin |
Schiff |
Carson (IN) |
Lantos |
Scott (VA) |
Case |
Larson (CT) |
Serrano |
Clay |
Lee |
Shays |
Clyburn |
Levin |
Sherman |
Conyers |
Lofgren |
Slaughter |
Crowley |
Lowey |
Solis |
Cummings |
Lynch |
Spratt |
Davis (CA) |
Majette |
Stark |
Davis (FL) |
Maloney |
Tauscher |
Davis (IL) |
Markey |
Thompson (MS) |
DeGette |
Matsui |
Tierney |
Delahunt |
McCarthy (NY) |
Towns |
Deutsch |
McCollum |
Udall (CO) |
Dicks |
McDermott |
Udall (NM) |
Doggett |
McGovern |
Van Hollen |
Doyle |
McNulty |
Velazquez |
Emanuel |
Meehan |
Visclosky |
Engel |
Meek (FL) |
Waters |
Eshoo |
Menendez |
Watson |
Etheridge |
Millender-McDonald |
Watt |
Evans |
Miller (NC) |
Waxman |
Farr |
Miller, George |
Weiner |
Fattah |
Moran (VA) |
Wexler |
Filner |
Nadler |
Woolsey |
Frank (MA) |
Napolitano |
Wu |
Gephardt |
Neal (MA) |
Wynn |
Grijalva |
Olver |
--- NOES 289 ---
Aderholt |
Gibbons |
Oberstar |
Akin |
Gilchrest |
Obey |
Alexander |
Gillmor |
Ortiz |
Baca |
Gingrey |
Osborne |
Bachus |
Gonzalez |
Ose |
Baird |
Goode |
Otter |
Baker |
Goodlatte |
Oxley |
Ballenger |
Gordon |
Paul |
Barrett (SC) |
Goss |
Pearce |
Bartlett (MD) |
Granger |
Pence |
Barton (TX) |
Graves |
Peterson (MN) |
Bass |
Green (TX) |
Petri |
Beauprez |
Green (WI) |
Pickering |
Bereuter |
Greenwood |
Pitts |
Berry |
Gutknecht |
Platts |
Biggert |
Hall |
Pombo |
Bilirakis |
Harman |
Pomeroy |
Bishop (GA) |
Harris |
Porter |
Bishop (UT) |
Hart |
Portman |
Blackburn |
Hastings (WA) |
Pryce (OH) |
Blunt |
Hayes |
Putnam |
Boehlert |
Hayworth |
Quinn |
Boehner |
Hefley |
Radanovich |
Bonilla |
Hensarling |
Rahall |
Bonner |
Herger |
Regula |
Bono |
Hill |
Rehberg |
Boozman |
Hinchey |
Renzi |
Boswell |
Hinojosa |
Reyes |
Boucher |
Hobson |
Reynolds |
Bradley (NH) |
Hoekstra |
Rodriguez |
Brady (TX) |
Holden |
Rogers (AL) |
Brown (SC) |
Hooley (OR) |
Rogers (KY) |
Brown-Waite, Ginny |
Hostettler |
Rogers (MI) |
Burgess |
Hulshof |
Rohrabacher |
Burns |
Hunter |
Ros-Lehtinen |
Burr |
Isakson |
Ross |
Burton (IN) |
Issa |
Royce |
Buyer |
Istook |
Ryan (OH) |
Calvert |
Janklow |
Ryan (WI) |
Camp |
Jefferson |
Sanders |
Cannon |
Jenkins |
Sandlin |
Cantor |
John |
Saxton |
Capito |
Johnson (CT) |
Schrock |
Cardoza |
Johnson (IL) |
Scott (GA) |
Carson (OK) |
Johnson, E. B. |
Sensenbrenner |
Carter |
Johnson, Sam |
Sessions |
Castle |
Jones (NC) |
Shadegg |
Chabot |
Kanjorski |
Shaw |
Chocola |
Keller |
Sherwood |
Coble |
Kelly |
Shimkus |
Cole |
Kennedy (MN) |
Shuster |
Collins |
Kind |
Simmons |
Combest |
King (IA) |
Simpson |
Costello |
King (NY) |
Skelton |
Cox |
Kingston |
Smith (MI) |
Cramer |
Kirk |
Smith (NJ) |
Crane |
Kline |
Smith (TX) |
Crenshaw |
Knollenberg |
Smith (WA) |
Cubin |
Kolbe |
Snyder |
Culberson |
LaHood |
Souder |
Cunningham |
Lampson |
Stearns |
Davis (AL) |
Larsen (WA) |
Stenholm |
Davis (TN) |
Latham |
Strickland |
Davis, Jo Ann |
LaTourette |
Stupak |
Davis, Tom |
Leach |
Sullivan |
Deal (GA) |
Lewis (KY) |
Sweeney |
DeFazio |
Linder |
Tancredo |
DeLauro |
Lipinski |
Tanner |
DeLay |
LoBiondo |
Tauzin |
DeMint |
Lucas (KY) |
Taylor (MS) |
Diaz-Balart, L. |
Manzullo |
Taylor (NC) |
Diaz-Balart, M. |
Marshall |
Terry |
Dingell |
Matheson |
Thomas |
Dooley (CA) |
McCotter |
Thompson (CA) |
Doolittle |
McCrery |
Thornberry |
Dreier |
McHugh |
Tiahrt |
Duncan |
McInnis |
Tiberi |
Dunn |
McIntyre |
Toomey |
Edwards |
McKeon |
Turner (OH) |
Ehlers |
Mica |
Turner (TX) |
Emerson |
Michaud |
Upton |
English |
Miller (FL) |
Vitter |
Everett |
Miller (MI) |
Walden (OR) |
Feeney |
Miller, Gary |
Walsh |
Ferguson |
Mollohan |
Wamp |
Flake |
Moore |
Weldon (FL) |
Fletcher |
Moran (KS) |
Weldon (PA) |
Foley |
Murphy |
Weller |
Forbes |
Murtha |
Whitfield |
Ford |
Musgrave |
Wicker |
Fossella |
Myrick |
Wilson (NM) |
Franks (AZ) |
Nethercutt |
Wilson (SC) |
Frelinghuysen |
Ney |
Wolf |
Frost |
Northup |
Young (AK) |
Gallegly |
Norwood |
Young (FL) |
Garrett (NJ) |
Nunes |
Gerlach |
Nussle |
--- NOT VOTING 11 ---
Boyd |
Lewis (CA) |
Meeks (NY) |
Cooper |
Lewis (GA) |
Peterson (PA) |
Houghton |
Lucas (OK) |
Ryun (KS) |
Hyde |
McCarthy (MO) |
3 posted on
04/09/2003 4:07:22 PM PDT by
Dan from Michigan
("I have two guns. One for each of ya." - Doc Holliday)
To: Dan from Michigan
Amendment offered by Mr. Meehan.
An amendment numbered 4 printed in House Report 108-64 to allow plaintiffs to recover against negligent manufacturers, sellers, or trade associations.
FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR ROLL CALL 122(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)
H R 1036 RECORDED VOTE 9-APR-2003 4:04 PM
AUTHOR(S): Meehan of Massachusetts Amendment
QUESTION: On Agreeing to the Amendment
NV |
4 |
218 |
6 |
140 |
61 |
4 |
1 |
144 |
280 |
10 |
--- AYES 144 ---
Abercrombie |
Gutierrez |
Moran (VA) |
Ackerman |
Gutknecht |
Nadler |
Allen |
Harman |
Napolitano |
Andrews |
Hastings (FL) |
Neal (MA) |
Baldwin |
Hinchey |
Obey |
Ballance |
Hoeffel |
Olver |
Becerra |
Holt |
Owens |
Bell |
Honda |
Pallone |
Berkley |
Hooley (OR) |
Pascrell |
Berman |
Inslee |
Pastor |
Bishop (NY) |
Israel |
Payne |
Blumenauer |
Jackson (IL) |
Pelosi |
Brady (PA) |
Jackson-Lee (TX) |
Price (NC) |
Brown (OH) |
Jefferson |
Rangel |
Brown, Corrine |
Johnson, E. B. |
Rothman |
Capps |
Jones (OH) |
Roybal-Allard |
Capuano |
Kennedy (RI) |
Rush |
Cardin |
Kildee |
Sabo |
Carson (IN) |
Kilpatrick |
Sanchez, Linda T. |
Case |
King (NY) |
Sanchez, Loretta |
Castle |
Kleczka |
Schakowsky |
Clay |
Kucinich |
Schiff |
Clyburn |
Langevin |
Scott (VA) |
Conyers |
Lantos |
Serrano |
Crowley |
Larson (CT) |
Shays |
Cummings |
Lee |
Sherman |
Davis (CA) |
Levin |
Slaughter |
Davis (FL) |
Lewis (GA) |
Smith (WA) |
Davis (IL) |
Lofgren |
Snyder |
DeGette |
Lowey |
Stark |
Delahunt |
Lynch |
Tauscher |
DeLauro |
Majette |
Thompson (MS) |
Deutsch |
Maloney |
Tierney |
Dicks |
Markey |
Towns |
Doggett |
Matsui |
Udall (CO) |
Doyle |
McCarthy (NY) |
Udall (NM) |
Emanuel |
McCollum |
Van Hollen |
Engel |
McDermott |
Velazquez |
Eshoo |
McGovern |
Visclosky |
Evans |
McNulty |
Waters |
Farr |
Meehan |
Watson |
Fattah |
Meek (FL) |
Watt |
Filner |
Meeks (NY) |
Waxman |
Frank (MA) |
Menendez |
Weiner |
Frost |
Millender-McDonald |
Wexler |
Gephardt |
Miller (NC) |
Woolsey |
Gonzalez |
Miller, George |
Wu |
Grijalva |
Moore |
Wynn |
--- NOES 280 ---
Akin |
Gibbons |
Ose |
Alexander |
Gilchrest |
Otter |
Baca |
Gillmor |
Oxley |
Bachus |
Gingrey |
Paul |
Baird |
Goode |
Pearce |
Baker |
Goodlatte |
Pence |
Ballenger |
Gordon |
Peterson (MN) |
Barrett (SC) |
Goss |
Petri |
Bartlett (MD) |
Granger |
Pickering |
Barton (TX) |
Graves |
Pitts |
Bass |
Green (TX) |
Platts |
Beauprez |
Green (WI) |
Pombo |
Bereuter |
Greenwood |
Pomeroy |
Berry |
Hall |
Porter |
Biggert |
Harris |
Portman |
Bilirakis |
Hart |
Pryce (OH) |
Bishop (GA) |
Hastings (WA) |
Putnam |
Bishop (UT) |
Hayes |
Quinn |
Blackburn |
Hayworth |
Radanovich |
Blunt |
Hefley |
Rahall |
Boehlert |
Hensarling |
Ramstad |
Boehner |
Herger |
Regula |
Bonilla |
Hill |
Rehberg |
Bonner |
Hinojosa |
Renzi |
Bono |
Hobson |
Reyes |
Boozman |
Hoekstra |
Reynolds |
Boucher |
Holden |
Rodriguez |
Bradley (NH) |
Hostettler |
Rogers (AL) |
Brady (TX) |
Hoyer |
Rogers (KY) |
Brown (SC) |
Hulshof |
Rogers (MI) |
Brown-Waite, Ginny |
Hunter |
Rohrabacher |
Burgess |
Isakson |
Ros-Lehtinen |
Burns |
Issa |
Ross |
Burr |
Istook |
Royce |
Burton (IN) |
Janklow |
Ruppersberger |
Buyer |
Jenkins |
Ryan (OH) |
Calvert |
John |
Ryan (WI) |
Camp |
Johnson (CT) |
Sanders |
Cannon |
Johnson (IL) |
Sandlin |
Cantor |
Johnson, Sam |
Saxton |
Capito |
Jones (NC) |
Schrock |
Cardoza |
Kanjorski |
Scott (GA) |
Carson (OK) |
Kaptur |
Sensenbrenner |
Carter |
Keller |
Sessions |
Chabot |
Kelly |
Shadegg |
Chocola |
Kennedy (MN) |
Shaw |
Coble |
Kind |
Sherwood |
Cole |
King (IA) |
Shimkus |
Collins |
Kingston |
Shuster |
Combest |
Kirk |
Simmons |
Cooper |
Kline |
Simpson |
Costello |
Knollenberg |
Skelton |
Cox |
Kolbe |
Smith (MI) |
Cramer |
LaHood |
Smith (NJ) |
Crane |
Lampson |
Smith (TX) |
Crenshaw |
Larsen (WA) |
Souder |
Cubin |
Latham |
Spratt |
Culberson |
LaTourette |
Stearns |
Cunningham |
Leach |
Stenholm |
Davis (AL) |
Lewis (CA) |
Strickland |
Davis (TN) |
Lewis (KY) |
Stupak |
Davis, Jo Ann |
Linder |
Sullivan |
Davis, Tom |
Lipinski |
Sweeney |
Deal (GA) |
LoBiondo |
Tancredo |
DeFazio |
Lucas (KY) |
Tanner |
DeLay |
Manzullo |
Tauzin |
DeMint |
Marshall |
Taylor (MS) |
Diaz-Balart, L. |
Matheson |
Taylor (NC) |
Diaz-Balart, M. |
McCotter |
Terry |
Dingell |
McCrery |
Thomas |
Dooley (CA) |
McHugh |
Thompson (CA) |
Doolittle |
McInnis |
Thornberry |
Dreier |
McIntyre |
Tiahrt |
Duncan |
McKeon |
Tiberi |
Dunn |
Mica |
Toomey |
Edwards |
Michaud |
Turner (OH) |
Ehlers |
Miller (FL) |
Turner (TX) |
Emerson |
Miller (MI) |
Upton |
English |
Miller, Gary |
Vitter |
Etheridge |
Mollohan |
Walden (OR) |
Everett |
Moran (KS) |
Walsh |
Feeney |
Murphy |
Wamp |
Ferguson |
Murtha |
Weldon (FL) |
Flake |
Musgrave |
Weldon (PA) |
Fletcher |
Myrick |
Weller |
Foley |
Nethercutt |
Whitfield |
Forbes |
Ney |
Wicker |
Ford |
Northup |
Wilson (NM) |
Fossella |
Norwood |
Wilson (SC) |
Franks (AZ) |
Nunes |
Wolf |
Frelinghuysen |
Nussle |
Young (AK) |
Gallegly |
Oberstar |
Young (FL) |
Garrett (NJ) |
Ortiz |
Gerlach |
Osborne |
--- NOT VOTING 10 ---
Aderholt |
Hyde |
Ryun (KS) |
Boswell |
Lucas (OK) |
Solis |
Boyd |
McCarthy (MO) |
Houghton |
Peterson (PA) |
4 posted on
04/09/2003 4:08:17 PM PDT by
Dan from Michigan
("I have two guns. One for each of ya." - Doc Holliday)
To: Dan from Michigan
Why in hell does Ron Paul list himself as a Republican?
This the kind of vote that will do him in.
The fool votes against a ban on lawsuits against gunmakers!! A Texan, for heaven's sake!
Paul is worthless!
7 posted on
04/09/2003 4:10:36 PM PDT by
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