To: dangermouse
Everybody in network TV - and I mean EVERYBODY - was saying that "Oh, once the war starts, CNN will go back on top again. They're just too good, too experienced, too impartial, too well-deployed, yadda yadda yadda." As such, this is probably the biggest, most imporant victory in the history of FNC. Just as Gulf War I put CNN "on the map" (though IMHO it was Challenger that sealed CNN's legitimacy five years earlier), Gulf War II will force the rest of the TV news business to treat Fox News seriously, whether they like it or not. They can't simply dismiss FNC as a "bunch of biased right-wing yahoos" any more.
7 posted on
03/25/2003 3:49:51 PM PST by
(If you use the word "embedded" in a conversation, you'd better be carrying an x-ray to show me.)
To: Timesink
Your comments are on the money, IMO. This war will be a major turning point for FOX News, but other news outlets as well. Instead of the red-headed step-kid Fox was seen as, they are now the clear leader. CNN and MSNBC has 2 choices. Continue to lose audience to Fox OR become more "Fox-like". I have already seen MSNBC do this to some measure. CNN is dragging their feet, still in complete denial. They can flounder around all they want trying to win viewers with the Aaron Browns and Connie Chungs all they want, but it is an ATTITUDE as much as personality that holds viewers. Simply put, Fox has the proper attitude for this war and for American viewers. CNN tries to be too "international". They can hold on to whatever claims they want, but unless they make some drastic changes, they will continue to sink. Headline News? So what, wait until Fox comes out with their version. They'll take those viewers, too.
22 posted on
03/25/2003 3:59:53 PM PST by
To: Timesink
I refuse to watch CNN and Wesley Clark! Their news is the worst along ABC and CBS!
92 posted on
03/25/2003 8:07:57 PM PST by
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