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To: babyface00
I gave you the most recent example (this morning) for me. You can also add the closure of my parking garage to anyone except monthly users (as if nobody who would park a car filled with explosives there would ever think of buying a monthly pass), the searching of my bag at almost any public building I enter, the additional forms I just had to fill out for my bank, identifying the reason for seeking a line of credit ("to comply with the U.S. Patriot Act"), etc.
657 posted on 03/25/2003 11:57:50 AM PST by Alberta's Child
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To: Alberta's Child
I gave you the most recent example (this morning) for me. You can also add the closure of my parking garage to anyone except monthly users (as if nobody who would park a car filled with explosives there would ever think of buying a monthly pass), the searching of my bag at almost any public building I enter, the additional forms I just had to fill out for my bank, identifying the reason for seeking a line of credit ("to comply with the U.S. Patriot Act"), etc.

I'm sorry that I just don't see these as anything other than minor inconveniences. Get out of NYC if it bothers you. It seems quite reasonable to me, especially when you consider some of the other activities of our government over the last 50 years.

The line of credit bothers me, but I think its a little late to be worrying about government intervention in the banking system. Before I lost any sleep, I'd want to know a) if this is mandated or suggested by the Patriot act b) if any banks are exempt c) if any other sources of credit are exempt. Unless there aren't any alternatives, and this is mandated by the government, then I don't see a problem with it, all things considered.

I'm no fan of government, but none of this seems all that evil. Certainly, compared to the income tax, welfare, the War on Drugs, social security, subsidies, etc this is a little pin prick in terms of real damage to real lives and liberty. Especially considering the limited application and circumstances. I'm sorry, but I don't see why this upsets you so compared to what else has been going on since the statists gained power 50 years ago.
671 posted on 03/25/2003 12:19:09 PM PST by babyface00
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To: Alberta's Child
But none of those are individual rights - just the course of doing business with private entities.
683 posted on 03/25/2003 12:30:56 PM PST by mabelkitty
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