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Uprising By Shiites in Basra Underway; British Pouring Artillery into City
Sky News Live Feed ^
| 03/25/03
| TonyInOhio
Posted on 03/25/2003 9:14:57 AM PST by TonyInOhio
Just monitored on Sky News: embedded reporter says Shiites in Basra have begun, in his words, a "popular uprising" against the Saddam forces still in the city. British Army units are "pouring" artillery into the city (likely isolated areas) preparing to move in.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: antisaddam; basra; embeddedreport; iraq; roadtobaghdad; shiites; uprising; war; warlist
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To: Scott from the Left Coast; Grampa Dave
"I'ma gonna tell yer trophy wife!!!Scott from the Left Coast:"If it was that Hugh, she'd probably want to know.
Hugh Viagra BUMP!!!
posted on
03/25/2003 11:15:11 AM PST
(Shi'ite's gonna happen to Soddomy!!!)
To: concerned about politics
Okay, I still don't understand.
Did they think it was Iraq vs. USA?
Did they not know it was Saddam and Ba'ath vs. USA?
I will bet $10 that the average age of a DUer is 19, and they get their world view and education from entrenched educators who never got over the death of JFK.
To: Alberta's Child
Oh dear! Let me get you a tissue, Sweetie.
posted on
03/25/2003 11:15:49 AM PST
(God bless our troops!)
To: mabelkitty
"I will bet $10 that the average age of a DUer is 19..."
More like the average IQ.
posted on
03/25/2003 11:16:35 AM PST
(When Paula Zahn left FNC for CNN, the average IQ of both organizations soared)
To: SierraWasp
Actually, I sell a pint of blood each week to Pfizer to make Viagra.
posted on
03/25/2003 11:17:19 AM PST
Grampa Dave
(Stamp out Freepathons! Stop being a Freep Loader! Become a monthly donor!)
To: concerned about politics
At the Support Our Troops rally in NYC on Sunday someone used the wonderful phrase, "with liberty and justice for all." Those immortal words should be our battle cry in this war. That's what it is all about - "Liberty and Justice for ALL!"
To: Petronski
Hey, wait just a minute. DU and Reuters say none of this is happening.... It's unbelievable. I checked some of the other news outlets to see if they were reporting on the uprising -- nothing. They are reporting anything negative you can possibly think of: fierce sandstorms, how the family of accused soldier endured racism, U.S. casualties and POWs, military campaign threatens economy, Sadam's men are brutal, dangers of urban fighting...... and that's just ABC.
To: SierraWasp
Actually, last November, we just signed up for GE's long term care policy.
I wished that we had signed up in our 50's.
We had been thinking about leasing one of the new Jags for my wife. Now we post the copy of the check to GE for the long term insurance on the dashboard of her 96 Sable.
posted on
03/25/2003 11:19:55 AM PST
Grampa Dave
(Stamp out Freepathons! Stop being a Freep Loader! Become a monthly donor!)
To: freeperfromnj
The DU dummies hate Bush so they must cheer for Saddam.
To: Alberta's Child
There's nothing "constitutional" about it if it involves shoving probes up the @sses of U.S. citizens who have been stripped of their rights to arm themselves, all in the name of protecting them from the Islamic enemies that the INS can't even keep out of the country.
What does that have to do with "...changes how we respond to nations when this war on terrorism is over."
I could point out that the loss of 2nd amendment rights and the incompetence of the INS were both underway well before the war on terrorism was even a consideration.
With regards to the probing, I suggest you ask about it on DU. That's where the experts are.
To: Petronski
Leftist Denial of Reality.
To: freeperfromnj
This report is being denied by British officials.. oh well, it was good while it lasted.
posted on
03/25/2003 11:20:49 AM PST
To: Helen
The Fedayeen are young, teenagers for the most part, too young to be wise, often too indoctrinated to be reasoned with, too idealistic for their own good and thus more reliable in loyalty than older people. Like evil counterparts to our Eagle Scouts.
They are "graduates" of a group called Saddam's Lion Cubs, often kids from dissident parents who have been turned even against their parents through the Iraqi state's education system from an early age. Parents have virtually no choice in the matter if their children are selected. It's like a sick version of the boy scouts. Kids are trained from an early age to kill animals to harden them for brutalizing people later on. This training is given to both girls and boys. It may be that Saddam uses children of imprisoned or dead dissidents as trainees and others as available.
Maybe we should ask Scott Ritter about that children's prison he saw a while back.
I would say the closest thing we have to them are inner city gang members. But theirs are trained.
For some reason dictatorial thugs have a real thing for using children in war. They know we aren't the type to be all that well prepared psychologically to fight such young people.
See this :
And a VERY interesting PDF file :
Saddam has since the 1970s advocated taking kids away from parental influence at an early age in order to train loyalists.
posted on
03/25/2003 11:22:19 AM PST
(Attitude adjustments offered here free of charge.)
To: Alberta's Child
After we wrap up Saddam, the adults may well be "in charge" for the next 10-12 years.
posted on
03/25/2003 11:22:30 AM PST
To: PhilDragoo
Dr. Rice knows an opportunist when she sees one. She squeezed him out but good.
To: babyface00
What does that have to do with "...changes how we respond to nations when this war on terrorism is over." In case you haven't noticed, the "nation" to which we are responding differently in this "war on terrorism" is the United States.
To: piasa
Saddam has since the 1970s advocated taking kids away from parental influence at an early age in order to train loyalists. Kind of like public schools in the U.S.
To: cherry
remind me about Fisk....(wasn't he involved somehow with the clintonistas ?)And the three of them evoke an auto-barf-alert response.
posted on
03/25/2003 11:24:29 AM PST
To: LS
After we wrap up Saddam, the adults may well be "in charge" for the next 10-12 years. Don't count on it. The smoke was still rising at Ground Zero in lower Manhattan when the people of New York City decided that the greatest threat to their lives was cigarette smoke.
In case you haven't noticed, I have a very dim view of American voters.
To: Alberta's Child; Grampa Dave
"Nor in lawyers nor judges..." SierraWasp 1:1
posted on
03/25/2003 11:26:27 AM PST
(Shi'ite's gonna happen to Soddomy!!!)
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