Now this doesn't even make sense. A human in the catholic church...doesn't really take faith seriously. In fact it is such a low priority in their life that they decide to step out and actively devote time to seeking a new church...they find a church that feeds their soul where once they were starving...and they give their lives to Christ and produce fruits of the Spirit.
If someone does not take their faith seriously, obviously they will not be concerned about seeking out Biblically correct sources...they'd just get sucked up in the world.
Come on...please, that argument is just silly.
And the only Evangelicals I have heard that hop over to the catholic faith are those that choose to elevate tradition over scripture. Those most probably occur because the majority of Christians in this day and age profess such a watered down version of Christianity that everything is believable and there is no Truth. Hence, you get the death of the church as seen in merry old England.
No, True Christian faith, as presented in scripture and preached in bold faithfullness by the likes of Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Edwards, Spurgeon is the one true faith. Other watered down versions of Christian faith, taking away the Sovereingty of God (exalting man's 'free will' Pfth!), adding books over the original cannon and subsequent adoption of additional sacraments, prayer to Mary, purgatory, indulgences, infallability plus more....all goes toward the tearing down of God, Son and Holy Spirit and raising up of man...and that really pisses me off.