"Look at the copyright date on the second photo. That's almost three years old, and before the Sept 11th attacks..." Most attacks are planned and trained for BEFORE they are executed..
Semper Fi
Yes, but we often aren't peaking at their training ahead of time. Kind of ruins the surprise.
This dating would indicate that somebody was interested enough in this to be looking at before the site became important for other reasons.
I suspect that there is not a square foot of Iraq that hasn't been photographed and mapped -- from BEFORE Gulf War I....
It often takes "additional information" to study specific areas for specific shapes.....
It this case...that additional information was present and it appears that specific shapes were found in the "suspicious area" that seems to confirm the information....
It does NOT look good for Saddam..
I believe he WILL be tied to Al Quaida terrorists and attacks against American targets...
Perhaps all the way back to OKC....
Semper Fi