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3.10.03 | Mia T

Posted on 03/10/2003 8:25:59 AM PST by Mia T


Your witless support of the clintons makes

Hamilton (or Madison) discussed the importance of wisdom and virtue in Federalist 57. "The aim of every political constitution is, or ought to be, first to obtain for rulers men who possess most wisdom to discern, and most virtue to pursue, the common good of the society; and in the next place, to take the most effectual precautions for keeping them virtuous whilst they continue to hold their public trust."

(Contrast this with clinton, who recklessly, reflexively and feloniously subordinates the common good to his personal appetites.)

Because the Framers did not anticipate the demagogic efficiency of the electronic bully pulpit, they ruled out the possibility of an MTV mis-leader (and impeachment-thwarter!) like clinton. In Federalist No. 64, John Jay said: "There is reason to presume" the president would fall only to those "who have become the most distinguished by their abilities and virtue." He imagined that the electorate would not "be deceived by those brilliant appearances of genius and patriotism which, like transient meteors, sometimes mislead as well as dazzle."

(If the clinton debacle teaches us anything, it is this: If we are to retain our democracy in this age of the electronic demagogue, we must recalibrate the constitutional balance of power.)




If Stupidity got us into this mess,
then why can't it get us out?

Will Rogers



Nine-tenths of wisdom
consists in being wise in time.

Theodore Roosevelt



Most people would sooner die than think
in fact, they do so.

Bertrand Russel


If the clinton debacle teaches us anything, it is this:

Our survival depends on NEVER AGAIN choosing an Elvis-wannabe as president ... 

or a clinton-wannado as 'star'...


By editing out clinton's culpability for 9/11, Hollywood edits out its own culpability for 9/11

Columbia Pictures' "Black Hawk Down," the holiday action adventure movie about the 1993 Somalia debacle that cost 18 U.S. soldiers their lives, was set to explicity blame ex-President Clinton for the 9/11 terrorist attacks before the film's director and producers decided to soft-peddle the connection.

In mid-November, before the decision to tone down the Clinton angle, the film was previewed for a handful journalists.

Before its final edit "Black Hawk's" closing crawl highlighted a series of events following the Somalia mission, including Clinton's humiliating troop withdrawal from the country, the humanitarian disasters in Rwanda, Bosnia and Kosovo and, finally, the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11.

"With what happened in Mogadishu, with the way that all came down, you end up with the terrorism we see today," the film's producer Joe Roth told the New York Times on Wednesday. "It's so obvious now, eight years later."

Roth said his partner Jerry Bruckheimer and "Black Hawk's" director Ridley Scott agreed with him that "we would be remiss in not making this connection to the general audience."

But ultimately the filmakers, along with Mark Bowden, author of the best-selling book upon which the movie is based, decided that blaming Clinton explicitly would be "unnecessary and too distracting."'

Black Hawk Down' Was Set to Blame Clinton for 9/11



As Riefenstahl told it, editing-to-perfection was crucial....By editing out a shot of Hitler wiping his nose and including instead "more interesting expressions," by eliminating the human, Riefenstahl eliminated the inhuman.

Film Noir in the White House

Film Noir in the White House

by Mia T


"Read my future." - "You haven't got any."

--Exchange in Touch of Evil between Orson Welles and Marlene Dietrich (as a gypsy fortune teller)


Leni Riefenstahl, the film genius who outmaneuvered propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels to chronicle Hitler's 1934 Nuremberg rallies in perhaps the most notorious documentary ever filmed, Triumph of the Will, symbolizes the naïve actress and director who is induced to deal with devils -- NAZI-pantalooned then, NAZI-pantless--and pantsuited--now . . .

After the war, Riefenstahl excused her effort as pure documentary -- watch for Streisand, Spielberg, Geffen et al. to do the same one day -- yet she compiled one section, Hitler's motorcade to Munich, from several different events and shot the closeups of Nazi leaders at the podium in a staged studio sequence.

As Riefenstahl told it, editing-to-perfection was crucial. She insisted that the finished quality of Triumph of Will came from her editing, not from any imposition of "posed shots" or choreography on her part. With her innovative editing techniques, Riefenstahl deliberately and selectively aestheticized Hitler and the Congress' proceedings. By editing out a shot of Hitler wiping his nose and including instead "more interesting expressions," by eliminating the human, Riefenstahl eliminated the inhuman.

The only difference today, in this era of ubiquitous cameras, continuous news and the shameless auteur-tyrant, is that the useful-idiot Washington Press Corps, spun by and on the Hollywood-Arkansas Axis, edits out the clintons' inhumanity -- and ineptitude -- in real time. . . 


Dead Hero's Father Tears into Clinton

To his astonishment the handshake was declined. "You are not fit to be president of the United States," said Shughart Senior. "The blame for my son' s death rests with the White House and with you. You are not fit to command."

London Sunday Times

Copyright 1994 Times Newspapers Limited


May 29, 1994, Sunday

SECTION: Overseas news
LENGTH: 486 words
HEADLINE: Dead hero's father tears into Clinton
BYLINE: James Adams

It was the moment President Bill Clinton wanted to restore his tattered
reputation with the military before his departure for the D-Day celebrations
in Europe this week, James Adams reports.

He had just presented posthumous Congressional Medals of Honour, America's
highest military decoration, to the widows of two soldiers for valour in
Somalia. After inviting the families for a moment of quiet reflection in the
Oval Office, the president approached Herbert Shughart, the father of one of
the two soldiers, and offered his hand.

To his astonishment the handshake was declined. ''You are not fit to be
president of the United States,'' said Shughart Senior. ''The blame for my
son' s death rests with the White House and with you. You are not fit to

The president reeled and the unprecedented onslaught continued for some
minutes. According to witnesses it was a ''highly charged emotional moment''
which resulted in Clinton trying to explain to Shughart,Sr. why the events
of that day last October were not his fault.

Shughart and his colleague, both sergeants, were killed trying to rescue
fellow rangers from a vicious fire-fight in which 18 died and 75 were
wounded. A later Pentagon investigation revealed that the troops had been
refused the ri ght equipment and there was no political or military plan to
justify the Americ an presence in Somalia.

 Although the president has tried to escape the blame, he is largely credited
with the failure of the whole American effort to bring peace to Somalia.
According to witnesses to the Oval Office scene, the Shughart family
remained unconvinced by the president's arguments.

 ''The medal doesn't help anything, other than that we are grateful that
Randy will be remembered in such an honourable way,'' said Lois Shughart,
the soldier's mother.





by Mia T


Not Joe Klein's Primary Colors. And not Jack Stanton.

bill clinton is straight out of

Stanley Kubrick's A CLOCKWORK ORANGE.


clinton is Alex,

one of the few truly amoral characters in either film or literature;

not quite as Kubrick (or Burgess) had imagined him, however,

but rumpled, wrinkled, paunchy, edematous,

stripped of the youth-excuse

after 30 additional, pathetic, recidivistic years

of marauding, stomping, raping, gangbanging, deceiving and destroying.


Like A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, the story of bill clinton

is the story about a society that has lost its capacity for moral choice.

But unlike in the less fabulous and no more ironic fable,

clinton is not mere nascent symbol but nihilistic agent.


clinton, like Alex, is the leader of the gang, the "droogies."

Eerily prefigured by the rocking, crooked phallus,

clinton's a conscienceless sadist

who thrills at risk and gratuitous destruction,

whose sexual and non-sexual impotence

is at the root of his obsession with "the old inout."


When Alex kills a woman during a rape, Alex is sent to prison.

When clinton rapes women, girls, his country and God knows what else. . .

and kills? --- check out those fourscore-plus deaths, please!

And don't forget the wag-the-dog, desperately-seeking-a-legacy bombings,

or the cold-blooded Ricky Ray Rector execution---

not clinton but society is imprisoned,

imprisoned in clinton's

besmirched, semen-stained, feckless presidency.


A risible and repulsive result;

yet not even the punch line.


While Alex is conditioned in prison with aversion therapy,

transmuted into a moral robot who becomes nauseated

by the mere thought of sex and violence,

bill clinton and his Thought Police,

in a perverse reverse aversion,

have conditioned society's collective brain

into not mere acquiescence but twisted admiration.


In the end,

if clinton's arrogant, ruthless, reckless nature is restored to him,

it seems the joke will be on all of us,

for it will be a victory for infinite victimhood and irresponsibility,

for seduction, for violence, for nihilism, for anarchy.


We will have set apart clinton as the hero

by making his victims less human than he;

we will have allowed clinton to carefully estrange us from his victims

so that we can enjoy the rapes and the beatings

as much as clinton himself does.


hillary clinton blames better half for terrorism
(SHE knew, "you know," nuttin')

Meet the Press, 12-09-01


Mia T, 12-09-01



Clinton's failure to grasp the opportunity to unravel increasingly organized extremists, coupled with Berger's assessments of their potential to directly threaten the U.S., represents one of the most serious foreign policy failures in American history

Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize


Bill Clinton may not be the worst president America has had, but surely he is the worst person to be president.*

-GEORGE WILL, Sleaze, the sequel



Had George Will written Sleaze, the sequel (the "sequel" is, of course, hillary) after 9-11-01, I suspect that he would have had to forgo the above conceit, as the doubt expressed in the setup phrase was, from that day forward, no longer operational.

Indeed, assessing the clinton presidency an abject failure is not inconsistent with commentary coming from the left, most recently the LA Times: "Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize."

When the clintons left office, I predicted that the country would eventually learn--sadly, the hard way--that this depraved, self-absorbed and inept pair had placed America (and the world) in mortal danger. But I was thinking years, not months.

It is very significant that hillary clinton didn't deny clinton culpability for the terrorism. (Meet the Press, 12-09-01), notwithstanding tired tactics (if you can't pass the buck, spread the blame) and chronic "KnowNothing Victim Clinton" self-exclusion.

If leftist pandering keeps the disenfranchized down in perpetuity, clinton pandering,("it's the economy, stupid"), kept the middle and upper classes wilfully ignorant for eight years.

And ironically, both results (leftist social policy and the clinton economy) are equally illusory, fraudulent. It is becoming increasingly clear that clinton covertly cooked the books even as he assiduously avoided essential actions that would have negatively impacted the economy--the ultimate source of his continued power--actions like, say, going after the terrorists.

It is critically important that hillary clinton fail in her grasp for power; read Peggy Noonan's little book, 'The Case Against Hillary Clinton' and Barbara Olson's two books; it is critical that the West de-clintonize, but that will be automatic once it is understood that the clintons risked civilization itself in order to gain and retain power.

It shouldn't take books, however, to see that a leader is a dangerous, self-absorbed sicko. People should be able to figure that out for themselves. The electorate must be taught to think, to reason. It must be able to spot spin, especially in this age of the electronic demagogue.

I am not hopeful. As Bertrand Russell noted, "Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so. "




*George Will continues: There is reason to believe that he is a rapist ("You better get some ice on that," Juanita Broaddrick says he told her concerning her bit lip), and that he bombed a country to distract attention from legal difficulties arising from his glandular life, and that. ... Furthermore, the bargain that he and his wife call a marriage refutes the axiom that opposites attract. Rather, she, as much as he, perhaps even more so, incarnates Clintonism




Here's a simple quiz. Who said the following: "What if (Saddam) fails to comply and we fail to act, or we take some ambiguous third route which gives him yet more opportunities to develop this programme of weapons of mass destruction? . . . Well, he will conclude that the international community has lost its will. He will then conclude that he can go right on and do more to rebuild an arsenal of devastating destruction. And some day, some way, I guarantee you he'll use the arsenal."

Full marks if you guessed Bill Clinton. It was 1998. But I wonder how many of you did. To read the papers, to watch the "anti-war" protesters, to listen to the BBC, you'd easily imagine that out of the blue a belligerent and new American administration had torn up the rule book and started a new foreign policy unconnected to the old one...

Clinton was a master of the European dialogue. He meant very few things he said but he said them very well. He was a great schmoozer. When he compared the Serbian genocide to the Holocaust, it sounded earnest but nobody, least of all the Bosnians, believed he meant it.

And he didn't. If he had, he wouldn't have allowed 250,000 to be murdered in Europe while he delegated American foreign policy to the morally feckless and militarily useless European Union. Ditto with Iraq and Al-Qaeda. A few missiles; some sanctions that starved millions but kept Saddam in power; and a big rhetorical game kept up the pretence of seriousness. But there was no attempt to match words with actions.

Bush's style couldn't be more different. He's blunt, straightforward, folksy, direct. Although his formal speeches have been as eloquent as any president's in modern times, his informal discourse makes a European wince. And his early distancing from many of Clinton's policies, his assertion of American sovereignty in critical matters, undoubtedly ruffled some Euro lapels. In retrospect, he could have been more politic...

Some have argued that Bush hasn't spent enough time schmoozing foreign leaders or reaching out to the broader global public like Clinton did. But Clinton never had to face the kind of tough decisions Bush has been presented with. It's easy to enjoy sweet relations with allies when no tough issues actually emerge.

In any case, Bush has spent many hours cultivating world leaders. Otherwise, how do you explain his remarkable relationship with Tony Blair, an ideological and personal opposite? Or the hours Bush spent bringing Putin around on Nato expansion and the end of the ABM treaty? Or the relationship with Pakistan's President Musharraf, which last week delivered the biggest victory against Al-Qaeda since the liberation of Afghanistan? And last December's 15-0 UN resolution against Saddam was a huge diplomatic coup for the White House. It is hardly the Americans' fault if the French and Russians refuse to enforce the meaning of the resolution they signed.

The truth is: Bush's diplomatic headaches have much less to do with his poor diplomatic skills than with the fact that he is trying ambitious things. Rather than simply forestall crises, Bush is doing the hard thing. He's calling for democracy in the Middle East. He's aiming to make the long-standing American policy of regime change in Iraq a reality. He wants to defeat Islamist terrorism rather than make excuses for tolerating its cancerous growth. When this amount of power is fuelled by this amount of conviction, of course the world is aroused and upset.

What the world is afraid of, after all, is not the deposing of Saddam. What the world is afraid of is American hyperpower wielded by a man of faith and conviction. Bush's manner grates. His style &emdash; like Reagan's &emdash; offends. But, like Reagan, he is not an anomaly in American foreign policy; he is merely a vivid representative of a deep and idealistic strain within it.

And history shows that the world has far more to gain from the deployment of that power than by its withdrawal. If the poor people of Iraq know that lesson, what's stopping the Europeans?

ANDREW SULLIVAN: Clinton talked a good war -- Bush has to fight it
The Sunday Times | March 9, 2003 | Andrew Sullivan



In May, 1996, American diplomats were informed in a Sudanese government fax that Bin Laden was about to be expelled -- giving Washington another chance to seize him. The decision not to do so went to the very top of the White House, according to former administration sources.

They say that the clear focus of American policy was to discourage the state sponsorship of terrorism. So persuading Khartoum to expel Bin Laden was in itself counted as a clear victory. The administration was "delighted".

Bin Laden took off from Khartoum on May 18 in a chartered C-130 plane with 150 of his followers, including his wives. He was bound for Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan. On the way the plane refuelled in the Gulf state of Qatar, which has friendly relations with Washington, but he was allowed to proceed unhindered.

Barely a month later, on June 25, a 5,000lb truck bomb ripped apart the front of Khobar Towers, a US military housing complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The explosion killed 19 American servicemen. Bin Laden was immediately suspected...

US missed three chances to seize Bin Laden

The Clinton administration "spun" America's terrorist problem when it re-emerged in February 1993, with the bombing of the World Trade Center, one month into Bill Clinton's first term in office. New York FBI believed that was a "false flag" operation run by Iraq, working with and hiding behind Islamic militants.

But Clinton did not want to hear it (he thought he took care of the problem slyly if the FBI was correct when he hit Iraqi intelligence headquarters several months later). So his administration claimed a new terrorism had emerged, consisting of "loose networks" of Islamic militants, unsupported by states.

Laurie Mylroie , Another mistaken 'conceptzia'

The Real Danger of a Presidential Fake:

Post-9/11 Reconsideration of The Placebo President

by Mia T, 1.06.02


 In May, 1996, American diplomats were informed in a Sudanese government fax that Bin Laden was about to be expelled -- giving Washington another chance to seize him. The decision not to do so went to the very top of the White House, according to former administration sources.

They say that the clear focus of American policy was to discourage the state sponsorship of terrorism. So persuading Khartoum to expel Bin Laden was in itself counted as a clear victory. The administration was "delighted".

Bin Laden took off from Khartoum on May 18 in a chartered C-130 plane with 150 of his followers, including his wives. He was bound for Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan. On the way the plane refuelled in the Gulf state of Qatar, which has friendly relations with Washington, but he was allowed to proceed unhindered.

Barely a month later, on June 25, a 5,000lb truck bomb ripped apart the front of Khobar Towers, a US military housing complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The explosion killed 19 American servicemen. Bin Laden was immediately suspected...

US missed three chances to seize Bin Laden

Just look around this chamber. We have members from virtually every racial, ethnic, and religious background. And America is stronger for it. But as we have seen, these differences all too often spark hatred and division, even here at home. . . This is not the American way. We must draw the line. Without delay, we must pass the Hate Crimes Prevention Act and the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. And we should reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act.

bill clinton, State of Union Speech, January 27, 2000


"I'm sorry, but the president is one of the crudest men I have ever encountered in government service," says one female agent. "He has no respect for women."

Among the comments clinton made in presence of Secret Service agents:

. Frequent speculation on the oral sex skills of women the president saw or met in receiving lines;

. References to the size of a woman's breasts, legs or figure;

. Sexual jokes.

After the Monica Lewinsky story broke, however, clinton toned down his rhetoric and behavior in front of his Secret Service agents, but those who guarded the president say enough of them saw and heard things which could be damaging to clinton.

"It depends on who Ken Starr calls," says one ex-agent. "The people who are on the job today are not necessarily the ones who know the most."

Turnover In clinton's Secret Service Detail 'Highest That Anyone Can Remember'


In the months that follow, reporters drop the issue. Feminists say little or nothing. Rape crisis center workers acknowledge that Broaddrick's case, including her reluctance to come forward, is typical of victims of sexual assault. But they decline to speak against clinton. Some cite the federal funding they receive as a result of the Violence Against Women Act, which was signed into law by clinton.

Why does the press continue to ignore the Juanita Broaddrick story?




The Placebo President:

How a Rapist can be a Policy Feminist


placebo effect n.

A beneficial effect in a patient following a particular treatment

that arises from the patient's expectations concerning

the treatment rather than from the treatment itself.


Every woman adores a Fascist,

The boot in the face, the brute

Brute heart of a brute like you.

----Sylvia Plath


The placebo effect immediately came to mind

as I listened to Shelby Steele,

a research fellow at the Hoover Institution,

debunk the following pernicious spin intended to save clinton.

To wit:

A proven felon and utter reprobate can remain president;

clinton can be a failed human being but a good president.


The error in these statements arises, says Steele,

from the belief that

virtuousness is separate from personal responsibility

so that one's virtuousness as an individual is determined by

one's political positions on issues rather than on

whether or not in one's personal life there is a

consistency and a responsibility.


Steele's contention is that this compartmentalization,

rather than being the amazing advantage

the clintons would have us believe,

in fact, spills toxicity into, corrupts, the culture.


If mere identification with good policies is what makes one virtuous

then those policies become, what Steele calls, iconographic,

that is to say they just represent virtuousness.

They don't necessarily do virtuous things.


If clinton's semantic parsing strips meaning from our words,

clinton's iconographic policies strip meaning from our society,

systematically deconstructing our society as a democracy. . .


I would take Shelby Steele's thesis one step further.

I maintain that iconographic policy functions like a placebo,

producing a real, physiological and social effects.


The placebo effect is, after all, the brain's triumph over reality.

Expectation alone can produce powerful physiological results.

The placebo effect was, at one time, an evolutionary advantage:

act now, think later


bill clinton is the paradigmatic Placebo President.

Placebo is Latin for "I shall please."

And please he does

doling out sham treatments, iconographs, with abandon.

To please, to placate, to numb, to deflect.

Ultimately to showcase his imagined virtue.

Or to confute his genuine vice.


clinton will dispense sugar pills (or bombs)

at the drop of a high-heeled shoe...

or at the hint of high treason...


clinton's charlatanry mimics that of primitive medicine.

Through the 1940s, doctors had little effective medicine to offer

so they deliberately attempted to induce the placebo response.


The efficaciousness of today's medicines

does not diminish the power of the placebo.

A recent review of placebo-controlled studies

found that placebos and genuine treatments

are often equally effective.

If you expect to get better, you will.


Which brings me back to the original question:

Can clinton be a failed human being but a good president?


Clearly he cannot.

These two propositions are mutually exclusive.

clinton's fundamental failure is a complete lack of integrity.

He has violated his covenant with the American people.


Because clinton has destroyed his moral authority as a leader,

he can no longer function even as a quack;

the placebo effect is gone.

And so the Placebo President must now go, too.



It's time to take out the trash...
A Senate en passant capture is THE MOVE...

NEW AUDIO! Hear the Bill Bennett (PARDONGATE) epilogue .



hillary clinton A SECURITY RISK: Removal Calls Begin




Another mistaken 'conceptzia'




Utter-Failure clintons Concoct Left-Wing-Radio Scheme FIG LEAF
Flower Children Fall for the 2 Self-Evident Thugs & Opportunists Yet Again
(Liberals have always had problems figuring out causation)



THE CLINTONS--AMERICA'S BIGGEST BLUNDER: Hear Bush 41 Warn Us--October 19, 1992


How to get rid of the clintons in 3 easy steps


the logic of pathologic self-interest


Mrs. clinton's REAL virtual office -- 03.10.03 update


TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Arkansas; US: New York; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: abuseofpower; barbra; barbrastreisand; boycotthollywood; clinton911; clintoncorruption; clintondemagoguery; clintonfailure; clintonlegacy; hollywoodharebrains; iraq; saddam; susansarandon

1 posted on 03/10/2003 8:25:59 AM PST by Mia T
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To: Gail Wynand; looscannon; Lonesome in Massachussets; Freedom'sWorthIt; IVote2; Slyfox; Registered; ..

BUSH: "I will not wait on events, while dangers gather."


video screen capure


President's Remarks
video image view

  This country has many challenges. We will not deny, we will not ignore, we will not pass along our problems to other Congresses, to other presidents, and other generations. (Applause.) We will confront them with focus and clarity and courage...

Sending Americans into battle is the most profound decision a President can make. The technologies of war have changed; the risks and suffering of war have not. For the brave Americans who bear the risk, no victory is free from sorrow. This nation fights reluctantly, because we know the cost and we dread the days of mourning that always come.

We seek peace. We strive for peace. And sometimes peace must be defended. A future lived at the mercy of terrible threats is no peace at all. If war is forced upon us, we will fight in a just cause and by just means -- sparing, in every way we can, the innocent. And if war is forced upon us, we will fight with the full force and might of the United States military -- and we will prevail. (Applause.)

State of the Union Address by President George W. Bush

2 posted on 03/10/2003 8:31:07 AM PST by Mia T (SCUM (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations))
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03.10.03 UPDATE:

Sen. Clinton's Virtual Office Welcome Header

Sen. Clinton's Virtual Office Welcome Header

Sen. Clinton's Virtual Office Welcome Header






evidence of consciousness of guilt at Ron Brown's funeral
clinton Complex-Question Fallacy Scheme 



It won't s-p-i-n 


"There isn't a shred of evidence."


Privacy Policy 

Hear the Bill Bennett epilogue


Dear new sucker--er--New Yorker,

This virtual office was established because you are absolutely forbidden to set your peasant foot in my real one. This is how I got here, and this is how I did it.. This helped, too. And this. And this. You had better take a moment to genuflect before the newly erected clinton altar. Additionally, I am pleased to present my new clinton crime family video greeting and video farewell. You would be wise to study them carefully. And don't bother E-mailing me. I couldn't care less what the little people think.

A missive from the smartest woman in the world. Study it.


Latest clinton News

the logic of pathologic self-interest

Another mistaken 'conceptzia'

Utter-Failure clintons Concoct Left-Wing-Radio Scheme FIG LEAF
Flower Children Fall for the 2 Self-Evident Thugs & Opportunists Yet Again (Liberals have always had problems figuring out causation)


10-Year Anniversary of WTC Bombing Marks the clintons' Utter Failure
"It was the TERRORISM, stupid."

The wife's self-serving war oscillations are really nothing more than a reprise of the self-serving oscillating ersatz presidency of the husband (Why we cannot afford another clinton. . .)

hillary clinton A SECURITY RISK: Removal Calls Begin

YOO-HOO Bill O'Reilly

hillary clinton Covertly Hedges Her Bets on the War While Overtly Betting Everything on the Virtual Certainty--Another Terrorist Attack
Does she support the war or doesn't she?
(And why won't the 4th Estate finally VET this dangerous, repugnant fraud, anyway?)

It's time to take out the trash...
A Senate en passant capture is THE MOVE...

YOO-HOO bill clinton
Bob Dole "ain't got no respect" for you
And when will the 4th Estate finally VET this dangerous, repugnant fraud, anyway?

The Curious Candidacy of Carol Moseley-Braun:
an Extension of clinton drag and drop and legacy of lynching

running clintons...

On clinton's missus' war oscillations...

How to get rid of the clintons in 3 easy steps


THE CLINTONS--AMERICA'S BIGGEST BLUNDER: Hear Bush 41 Warn Us--October 19, 1992


hitchens on the clintons annotated

69% of Voters Nationwide Don't Want hillary clinton to Run for President, EVER

YOO-HOO Mrs. clinton:
A '68 Mustang is not exculpatory

clinton LIEbrary FLYover & other clinton FLIES

BUSH: "I will not wait on events, while dangers gather."

Q ERTY6 utter failure

What did he know. . . and when did he know it ?


SpyLies and Audiotape



HALF A HOUSE, HALF A BRAIN: Why we were compelled to hit on Simon & Schuster,our personal agitprop & money-laundering machine)



Hardball's Softball hillary clinton 'Interview'

Q ERTY8 clinton/Democrat Debacle of '02

Buddy Death Report Raises More Questions Than It Answers

hillary clinton and FUNERALS

But they are space aliens



The Real Danger of a Fake President:
Post-9/11 Reconsideration of The Placebo President

copyright Mia T 2003


3 posted on 03/10/2003 8:38:36 AM PST by Mia T (SCUM (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations))
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To: Mia T
What a post! Fantastic as usual. Evidence that Clinton's fiddling continues to effect our national security has recently come to light. In a January 20 article in the Wall Street Journal, Per Ahlmark, former deputy prime minister of Sweden explains how Hans Blix was "selected" to head the inspection teams:

"As the former chief U.N. weapons inspector, Richard Butler, writes in his book, "Saddam Defiant," the Russians were taking marching orders directly from Baghdad. In Mr. Butler's book, Ambassador Sergei Lavrov is quoted as saying that Russia "blocked the Ekéus nomination because Iraq did not want him!" He goes on to say that all appointments were to be treated the same way -- approval from Iraq was mandatory. When Hans Blix's candidacy was discussed, no veto arrived from Baghdad.

With the go ahead from Saddam, Russia and France threw their support behind Mr. Blix and he was soon approved by the Security Council. The Clinton administration seems to have been too paralyzed by the Monica Lewinsky scandal to put up a fight. Thus, you could say that Hans Blix was handpicked by the very regime he was to inspect and disarm."

The original article is reprinted here:
4 posted on 03/10/2003 8:41:23 AM PST by Quilla
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To: Mia T; M. Thatcher; holdonnow
"White I: Surrender and America Shall Set YOU FRee!!"

"The Liberation of Iraq is is imperative that the Iraqi folks who wish to be LIBERATED demonstrate to their American LIBERATORS that they are not supportive of Soddom'sInsane's TYRANNY by waving white flags with their hands in the air. White flags will display to All the World that the Iraqi People realize that America is NOT Conquering them, just FReeing them from Oppression!! We must INFORM the Iraqi people by whatever means necessary, "We are from America, we are here to HELP!!"

Spread the Word...MUD

5 posted on 03/10/2003 8:41:38 AM PST by Mudboy Slim (The A.N.S.W.E.R., my FRiends..."DemonRATS and RINOS LOATHE Liberty!!")
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To: Mia T
BUSH: "I will not wait on events, while dangers gather."

Bush thwarted FBI probe against bin Ladens AFP

(London, November 7)


FBI agents in the United States probing relatives of Saudi-born terror suspect Osama Bin Laden before September 11 were told to back off soon after George W Bush became president, the BBC has reported.

The BBC's Newsnight current affairs programme on Tuesday said that Bush at one point had a number of connections with Saudi Arabia's prominent Bin Laden family.

It added there was a suspicion that the US strategic interest in Saudi Arabia, which has the world's biggest oil reserve, blunted its inquiries into individuals with suspected terrorist connections -- so long as the US was safe.

Newsnight reported it had seen secret documents from an FBI probe into the September 11 terror attacks that showed that at least two other US-based members of the Bin Laden family are suspected to have links with a possible terrorist organisation.

The programme said it had obtained evidence that the FBI was on the trail of Bin Laden family members living in United States before, as well as after, the terrorist attacks.

Newsnight said Bush made his first million 20 years ago with an oil company partly funded by the chief US representative of Salem Bin Laden, Osama's brother.

Bush also received fees as director of a subsidiary of Carlyle Corporation, a little-known private company which in just a few years since its founding has become one of America's biggest defence contractors, and his father, George Bush Sr, is also a paid advisor, the programme said.

The connection became embarrassing when it was revealed that the Bin Ladens held a stake in Carlyle, sold just after September 11, it added.

6 posted on 03/10/2003 4:14:13 PM PST by eshu
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To: eshu
Your source, the "Hindustan Times" is where I always run when I want the REAL inside scoop on U.S. Presidents....yep, you betcha.
7 posted on 03/10/2003 4:26:31 PM PST by ErnBatavia ((Bumperootus!))
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To: ErnBatavia
thx ;)
8 posted on 03/10/2003 4:58:40 PM PST by Mia T (SCUM (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations))
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To: Mia T
thx ;)

Mia, you are MORE than welcome! Anything for the "queen of graphics"!! (damn! Wish I knew how to do such stuff as you do!)

9 posted on 03/10/2003 6:10:52 PM PST by ErnBatavia ((Bumperootus!))
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To: Mia T
The Clintons: the most dangerous couple in America. Keep the heat on, Mia T.
10 posted on 03/10/2003 7:03:12 PM PST by Faith
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To: ErnBatavia
Your source, the "Hindustan Times" is where I always run when I want the REAL inside scoop on U.S. Presidents....yep, you betcha.

Actually, the fact that Bush told the FBI "hands off the Bin Ladens" has been widely reported - you'll note that the Hindustan Times article was merely a paraphrase of a story that originally ran on the BBC.

11 posted on 03/11/2003 11:58:43 AM PST by eshu
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To: ErnBatavia
I will agree, however, that it is definitely more satisfying to look at photomontages of Clinton playing the sax over the WTC than to contemplate the fact that there are things that could have been done to solve or prevent this since Bush took office, that weren't (for whatever reason).
12 posted on 03/11/2003 12:00:42 PM PST by eshu
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