To: bandleader
from what I've heard this morning,(Lovell,Aldrin et al.)it would appear that the computers that control the angle at which the shuttle makes contact with the atmosphere for re-entry failed!It's NO.
What they said is that they could have failed. There are triple redundant computers. All three must give the same results or the odd one is locked out.
This is far more likely to be a result of Tank Insulation damaging tiles on the wing leading edge on takeoff. If that happened, white hot gas at 12,000 mph would have blown into the wing.
900 posted on
02/01/2003 7:55:58 AM PST by
Servant of the Nine
(We are the Hegemon. We can do anything we damned well please.)
To: Servant of the Nine
>>This is far more likely to be a result of Tank Insulation damaging tiles on the wing <<
Occam's razor. Does anyone know if they went EVA to inspect the damage?
To: Servant of the Nine
The guy who filmed some of the footage, had filmed a lot of other shuttles. He said that he noticed before the break up that the shuttle seemed to be moving faster than usual.
To: Servant of the Nine
This is far more likely to be a result of Tank Insulation damaging tiles on the wing leading edge on takeoff.That will probably be the final judgement.. three years from now. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson