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To: cake_crumb
HERE IS THE ONE WHERE HE GOES AFTER JOHN ASHCROFT please notice the link to his site he took the whole site down that had more threats againt the US GOVT and BUSH and ASHCROFT

John Ashcroft, American Fascist
"Never forget that it was Ashcroft, in the earliest iteration of the Anti-Terrorism bill, who advocated the suspension of habeas corpus. If there is a beating heart within the body of laws that protect our freedoms, habeas corpus is it. That alone should be enough to rouse us all.
I intend to challenge, at every opportunity, the assertion by Mr. Ashcroft that dissention is equal to terrorism. I intend to continue my questioning of his contra-Constitutional program of restrictions until they are stopped. I beg you to do the same.

I offer you the opportunity to add your name and voice to this fight. Send me an email here, and I will place your name on a list to appear on this website. By giving me your name, you sign a document that states your opposition to Ashcroft's Constitutional revisions while denouncing him for daring to call you a terrorist.

You are an American patriot. Stand up and be counted as one." So writes William Rivers Pitt.

....demdailynews, 12/11

215 posted on 01/25/2003 7:08:31 PM PST by TLBSHOW (Slamming the liberal bias media but GOOD!)
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"Never forget that it was Ashcroft, in the earliest iteration of the Anti-Terrorism bill, who advocated the suspension of habeas corpus. If there is a beating heart within the body of laws that protect our freedoms, habeas corpus is it."

Another DU libertarian.

262 posted on 01/25/2003 8:03:29 PM PST by cake_crumb (Typos are my frends. They follow me wherever I go.)
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