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Feds obtain sealed case of Ritter's arrest
| 1/25/03
Posted on 01/25/2003 3:07:17 PM PST by kattracks
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To: MeeknMing
Thanks Meek. I can always count on you to keep me informed.
"The Bush administration had been warned by the CIA months before September 11th of Al Qaida terrorists and plans to hijack airplanes."Geeez, Pitt's a psychotic wonder he gets along so well with Scuddy.
posted on
01/25/2003 7:12:42 PM PST
(Typos are my frends. They follow me wherever I go.)
To: eddie willers
Nope...he's a Republican. Thanks for that. Well, how was the case presented to him by fired ADA Cynthia Preiser is the question, then.
To: cake_crumb
I intend to challenge, at every opportunity Pitt said,
so why did he take his whole site down?
I will tell you why
because Scott Ritters co author William Rivers Pitt was making threats against the President.
posted on
01/25/2003 7:16:20 PM PST
(Slamming the liberal bias media but GOOD!)
To: cyncooper
Well, how was the case presented to him by fired ADA Cynthia Preiser is the question, thenYes it is.
Why would a Republican go with so light a sentence on so serious a charge?
To: cake_crumb
ROFLOL!! Scott "Kitty" Ritter BUMP!! You know about kitty ritter, right? Things look alright on the surface, but don't go digging around.
William Rivers Pitt was making threats against the President. Those are serious charges, TLB....when/where/how?
To: nicmarlo
"Flip a coin: trust Iraq?/trust the U.N.?"We'll be safer to trust neither. You're right: if the guy was truly looking for the UN to protect him, he's dead...and if he was an Iraqi agent, he STILL should have been held for questioning.
Either way they shouldn't have given him back to the Iraqis. THEY should know this too...I mean...a no-brainer must be somewhere around the UN's speed. So the question is: why DIDN'T they keep him (improper facilities doesn't cut it, since he could have been turned over to coalition forces)??
posted on
01/25/2003 7:18:05 PM PST
(Typos are my frends. They follow me wherever I go.)
To: PeaceBeWithYou
Not the same person. But maybe the people claiming that Judge Crummey worked for Bush in FL did so because they confused the two Peter Crummeys.
To: cake_crumb
So the question is: why DIDN'T they keep him PRECISELY!
To: OldFriend
NYSlimes has yet to print ONE word about these arrests of Scott Ritter. The obligatory: "I'm shocked!"
To: nicmarlo
posted on
01/25/2003 7:25:33 PM PST
(Slamming the liberal bias media but GOOD!)
To: cyncooper
"I never bought Crier's assertion to begin with, that it was the judge, motivated politically on behalf of GWB for several reasons."I'm leaning in the direction of the judge, just a local judge who spends most of his time writing sentences for DUIs and advising on local juvanile court, was a tas overwhelmed when faced with a former UN weapons inspector. I suspect the judge was worried he'd cause some kind of international incident, because Ritter played the international importance of the UN, the Chief Weapons Inspector and Gulf War Veteran angles for all they were worth. MAYBE. Or maybe Ritter bought him off. If he's a Republican, I hope not...but if he did, he deserves what he gets too.
The Assistant there's another story. He somehow bought her off.
posted on
01/25/2003 7:26:15 PM PST
(Typos are my frends. They follow me wherever I go.)
To: Mad_Tom_Rackham; OldFriend
The obligatory: "I'm shocked!" Okay.....I'm shocked, I tell ya, just SHOCKED!! (not)
To: aristeides
It was Catherine Crier and the judge on this case is NOT the one who worked for Bush in Florida, NOR is the other Crummey. That is the incorrect name. She lied.
posted on
01/25/2003 7:27:39 PM PST
(he has friends in high places)
To: Howlin
"Am I wrong about this, or was Crier completely wrong about which judge it was that was on the Ritter case?"Geeez, I hope so...the whole gang is beginning to get on my nerves. If she was going on about the guy in Florida, she is...this is what happens when goofballs get all their important info from the DU.
posted on
01/25/2003 7:31:31 PM PST
(Typos are my frends. They follow me wherever I go.)
To: cake_crumb
I doubt Crummey could be bought off. He was involved in a sensitive case a couple of years back and could not afford more bad press.
posted on
01/25/2003 7:32:02 PM PST
To: Howlin
Whats with the "Scotts" of the world? They think they will get off Scott free?
posted on
01/25/2003 7:32:06 PM PST
To: kattracks; Fred Mertz; The Great Satan
I wonder why the news of the feds getting this material has been publicized. You'd think it would be kept quiet unless and until there is an indictment. I wonder if the squeeze is being put on Ritter to make him tell the feds what he knows.
To: L.N. Smithee
I clicked on your link and I got this:
If you intended me to see an image it wasn't there. Sorry.
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