Lee said integration is crucial to improve education and prepare students to live in a diverse culture.*** Okay...step me through this! So after all the busing, quotas, money spent and pure BS over the last 30+ years the same people are whining that something has to be done because their pet projects were failures. I think I was robbed of a decent education. I'm gonna call Johnny Cochran!...oh yeah...I am white so I just have to suck it up!
The cause of this is rather simple. Black children, as a percentage of the school age population, have increased over the last 30 years. Hispanic children, as a percentage of the school age population, have increased over the last 30 years. The problem is that there are not enough white kids to go around.
The possible solutions are: 1. to force whites to have more kids, 2. Force blacks to have less kids, 3. Decrease hispanic immigration. Hmmm, not very appealing!
Wait! There's another solution! Why not just recognize that the majority of hispanics are white? If you run the numbers, classifying hispanics as white, I'll bet there is more integration today than there was 20 years ago.
Case closed! Problem solved!
Follow the money. That's what LIBERALS do. They're following it out to the suburbs and collecting to redistribute to their consituents. In Texas it's been dubbed the "Robin Hood Plan." In order for "rich" school districts (ordered to "contribute" to the "poorer" school districts) to stay even in funding for their schools, they've had to increase their own property taxes.