We can bath and wash hair and clothes. But your stink, bigotry, goes deep to the bone.
Yes, this is one half of your original statement that displayed that you are a liar.
I will not hit them with a 2x4!
Because you would get your ass kicked.
Our society is doing the hitting, the smokers have to recognize that THEY STINK!
You are trying to use the nanny state to bring people down to your level. Why don't you butch up and admit that you are not much of a person and seem to have a real fixation on acceptance.
They need to be more flexible and attempt to seek acceptance by being sensitive to others.
Another cry for acceptance. Once again butch up and understand that this is as good as you get. Try to better yourself rather than attempting to pull others down to your level.
Cover your stink with colone and mint.
You seem to have a fixation on stinking. Perhaps if you can afford it you might try smoking......if nothing else it might mask your own stench which appears to be your real concern.