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To: Classicaliberalconservative
You do some nasty labelling. But the bottom line seems to be that you are intolerant of people who want to preserve more traditional values than you do. What really is your point? Because you are 80% as Conservative as some of those whom you assail, is that a reason to assail them, rather than the "Leftists" with whom you agree only 20% of the time?

This need to throw bones, as it were, to the propagandists of the Left, who have spent three generations trying to condition Academia to what is now "politically correct," is tearing the Right apart in America. And when dysrons like Bill Kristol actually work with the New York Times--no moderate news media, it--the pattern becomes even clearer.

Let me, then, attack head on, what you seem to be saying. You would limit immigration and restraints on economic freedom, motivated by Leftwing social engineering, but you want to make it perfectly clear, that you do not like Conservatives who want to preserve their ancestral faiths, blood-lines--the ties of kith and kin--and the celebration of a common history and shared struggle. But why--other than the staccato cries of "xenophobia," "racism," "nativism," and "bigotry," which the Left uses because they have no valid argument--would you feel that way?

Since Biblical times, the greatest motivation for positive social behavior in the West, has been to pass on your values, heritage, material and spiritual achievements, etc., to your descendants. Nationality has always been about those things. It is ludicrous how many otherwise intelligent Conservatives and moderates, feel a compulsion to distance themselves from normal human motivations. It is also fatal to our cause.

If you are concerned about acts of cruelty directed against other peoples, I have no problem with that concern. I share it. But let's not put people down, who simply want to preserve the cultural and biological heritage that they were born into. That is not a rational basis to put anyone down!

William Flax Return Of The Gods Web Site

129 posted on 12/31/2002 2:43:00 PM PST by Ohioan
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To: Ohioan
I forgot to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Bill Flax

130 posted on 12/31/2002 3:07:47 PM PST by Ohioan
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To: Ohioan
You want to talk about "nasty labeling". What about people who say thaty every non-white immigrant is a threat to the American nation, or that the conservative movement was hijacked by "politically correct" liberals i.e people who think the government should have color blind policies on EVERYTHING, immigration, quotas, etc. I have no problems with people preserving ancestral faiths since I happen to be an evangelical Protestant. And guess what? I like celebrating our common histroy too. Common meaning all Americans. We are a nation of immigrants after all. And I believe in American values too: free markets, property rights, civil rights, opportunity and the influence that Christianity and Western Civilization has on our country. So why do I attack these people who agree with me 80% of the time? Well the 20% of the time they do not agree with me is on what it means to be an American as well as who can be considered one. I love and respect all people in this country and I do not think that our "biological heritage" is limited to one race or one group of people. So yes partially it is about acts of cruelty directed against other peoples (who are Americans also btw). But it is more than that. It is about acceptance of people like me who came after 1965 as Americans too; people who were not really allowed to come before then. So no I am not throwing bones to the left. I am focusing on people who seek to divide our nation, just like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Antonio Villagrosa, and Angela Oh. They and the Jared Taylors and Sam Francises(spelled right?) deserve each other while the rest of the country moves on. Furthermore I also believe in globalization, free trade and yes spreading our values abroad. We are right afterall, most of the time.
131 posted on 12/31/2002 6:13:56 PM PST by Classicaliberalconservative
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