Who will speak out for America? Not the politicians. Power corrupts and absolute power.....
1 posted on
12/29/2002 12:18:51 AM PST by
To: DWar
The White House also wants amnesty, but only for about 4 to 5 million illegal aliens from Mexico. Who wrote this garbage?
The White House is a building. It has no wants or feelings or policy position.
And the position of the Republican party is not in favor of amnesty, nor continued illegal immigration. The current thinking is to make a guest worker program with computer ID tracking that makes sure the immigrant worker goes home after a couple years.
To: *immigrant_list; madfly; Tancredo Fan; Marine Inspector; Joe Hadenuf; Tailgunner Joe; ...
To: DWar
Elites? Hell. This is America and the only"elites" are the ones who have become ones in their own minds.
I do disagree with most of what all politicians believe. And it's not just this country. I have asked peoplee from all over the world what they think of their poloticians and they all say they are crooks.
To: DWar
Left out of the article is the fact that our political elites think of themselves (with rare exceptions) as cosmopolitan sophisticates. For such people the most dreaded word of all is the R word.
Defense of our borders is immediately equated with racism by the major media.
That alone is enough to freeze them from taking even the most restrained measures to deal with the issue.
21 posted on
12/29/2002 9:39:03 AM PST by
To: DWar
"The big question is which party will forsake old ways and answer the publics cry?" I think that this issue, more than any other, reveals that the political elite of neither party really gives a d*mn about the will of the people and will continue to muddy the waters by addressing issues they WANT to address and not ones that genuinely NEED to be addressed.
To: DWar
"The big question is which party will forsake old ways and answer the publics cry?" I think that this issue, more than any other, reveals that the political elite of neither party really gives a d*mn about the will of the people and will continue to muddy the waters by addressing issues they WANT to address and not ones that genuinely NEED to be addressed.
To: DWar
One surprising thing is the lack of media attention given to this large study, conducted by the Chicago based Council on Foreign Relations.
![](http://www.datazap.net/free/fintan/newcig.gif) |
That's the least surprising thing... |
31 posted on
12/29/2002 11:33:14 AM PST by
To: DWar; madfly; Poohbah; FITZ; Bill Davis FR; mhking; 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub; Houmatt; Elkiejg; ...
To: DWar
bump for later
39 posted on
12/29/2002 12:17:30 PM PST by
To: DWar
" the elite of our society "
Most of these people have extra borders, their gated communities.
To: DWar; madfly; Uncle Bill
>A large new study reveals 60% of the American public view the present immigration situation as a critical threat to the vital interests of the United States. At the same time only 14% of our national leadership and opinion makers hold the same views. This reflects a huge disagreement between the people of America and the political elite.Constitution: by the People, for the People
New World Order socialism: by the Elite, for the Elite...just say "its for the People."
44 posted on
12/29/2002 1:51:14 PM PST by
To: DWar
Private and Public groups want to benefit from legal and illegal immigrants. It's all about the Mexican mowing a Beverly Hills' lawn or a politician telling a group of illegals they will grant them amnesty, social security, and health care for their vote. However, when events like the rape in Queens by illegals happen or 9/11 for that matter everyone bitches and complains that the INS isn't doing it's job to keep the illegals out.
58 posted on
12/30/2002 11:22:35 AM PST by
To: DWar
Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck...
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