To: Conservative til I die
I never told you or anyone else not to celebrate Christmas.
Christmas is full of paganism, is of pagan origins, is a time where more lies are told to congregations and children than any other time, and is a time where suicide (due to spiritual darkness) peaks annually.
Would you please show me where God sanctioned any birthday celebration for Christ?
If your son's birthday were to be randomly celebrated, would you want it celebrated on a feast honoring your arch enemy?
Usually the people that get most upset about anyone exposing the lies of Christmas are those who feel guilty but refuse to acknowledge the truth and make changes, those that prefer tradition over truth.
To: Eagle Eye
Well God sanctioned the huge angelic celeration of his birth, he didn't forbid us to not celebrate it. One might have a point against Christmas in terms of the material glitz crowding out the message and the increased depression and isolation seen in many people. But I don't see the depression occuring in great frequency in church folks who have been schooled regarding the Birth of Christn and its meaning for all mankind.
As an RN I witness more problems in unsaved secular minded folk who have a sense that Christmas sets them up then lets them down because the emptiness in their hearts has not been filled. Unsaved families discover they're not any closer, the bickering escalates. I see the increased depression, especially in isolated unchurched folk. I do see the suicides...
But I don't see Christians of strong churches and strong faith suffering like the unsaved at this season. Christians can suffer depression but there is no upward tick at this time that I've been able to note or find data on,though there probably is an increase especially among our elderly and our single people in our churches. (Easter is another dangerous time, especially for schizo affective types, the notion of a resurrected Savior seems to set alot of them off...I have my own theories about this, things do go bump in the dark sometimes...if you get my meaning)
I guess the purpose of this post is that if Christians choose to celebrate Christmas, with the spirit of thanksgiving for the Son and his sacrifice for our sins...remember your elderly and single brothers and sisters, invite them to share the holiday with you and resolve to remember them the rest of the year. Keep Christmas always by showing charity always. For those of you who know persons or have family with depression be especially supportive especially for a time after the holidays...they may need more support then!
To: Eagle Eye
Are you a Jehovah's Witness?
To: Eagle Eye
I don't appreciate you morally pontificating about what others do on Christmas. Yeesh, who the hell are you anyway, trying to speak for God.
To: Eagle Eye
138 posted on
12/22/2002 5:59:00 PM PST by
To: Eagle Eye
Actually, if my birthday were to be celebrated randomly, it would be a grand thing for it to be celebrated upon the same day my great enemy's victory was celebrated: for in doing so it shown that he is crushed and fallen, and I am over him. Such it is with Christmas: it falls almost upon the winter solstice, during which the pagans trembled for fear of the darkness. Some offered sacrifices to restore the day, or celevrated supposed deities that would restore the light, though only for a while, but none held any real hope or certainty. All changed with the coming of the Lord: the Light of men. He trampled the darkness and the "gods" of this world and their despair and mockery of good things. Though, I suppose, it is illogical to place His birth in December, I think it is best that way, for it shows His great victory. It accents the coming of Light into a dark world. Recall the pagan days if you will, and consider the much more brilliant greatness of the Daystar whom we celebrate, set starkly against the gloom of the pagan. If you feel tempted to worship these old gods (and why one would I do not know), then do not celebrate Christmas. But I, for myself, have no thought of going back to the darkness, so I shall keep Christmas, and celebrate the coming of Light into our winter gloom. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson